A key issue here is that this loop iterates over the rows (1st dimension) of B
In [258]: B
array([[ 0, 1, 2],
[ 3, 4, 5],
[ 6, 7, 8],
[ 9, 10, 11]])
In [259]: for b in B:
...: print(b,'=>',end='')
...: b += 1
...: print(b)
[0 1 2] =>[1 2 3]
[3 4 5] =>[4 5 6]
[6 7 8] =>[7 8 9]
[ 9 10 11] =>[10 11 12]
Thus the +=
is acting on a mutable object, an array.
This is implied in the other answers, but easily missed if your focus is on the a = a+1
I could also make an in-place change to b
with [:]
indexing, or even something fancier, b[1:]=0
In [260]: for b in B:
...: print(b,'=>',end='')
...: b[:] = b * 2
[1 2 3] =>[2 4 6]
[4 5 6] =>[ 8 10 12]
[7 8 9] =>[14 16 18]
[10 11 12] =>[20 22 24]
Of course with a 2d array like B
we usually don't need to iterate on the rows. Many operations that work on a single of B
also work on the whole thing. B += 1
, B[1:] = 0
, etc.
i = i + 1
,i += 1