4xx statuses are for client-side errors, 5xx are for server-side errors. So, generally you need 4xx codes for your cases 1) to 3), while 4) should be a 5xx error.
Let’s first say that for your case 4), a simple HTTP 500 seems appropriate. If you want to indicate that the client could try again later, HTTP 503 would be more suitable.
Now for 1) to 3): According to RFC 2616, HTTP 400 indicates syntax errors; this would usually be protocoll errors, e.g. invalid headers. Semantical or payload errors aren’t really defined in this generic RFC, however, (as Zaboj mentions) WebDAV offers HTTP 422, which seems suitable, though it’s not really meant for generic HTTP.
In the end, it doesn’t really matter which particular codes you send. If your upload fails with HTTP 400 or 422, in either case the client will perform some error routine (e.g. show or log the error message).
The important thing to know is that some codes can trigger client behaviour (e.g. HTTP 401 combined with certain headers can trigger an authentication dialog in a browser), and you should be aware of these side effects.
In my opinion, it is much more important to send a useful error description in the response body to help the client fix their problem, than finding the “perfect” HTTP status code. I know that REST zealots will disagree, but none of them will be able to give you the right HTTP status code for every situation.
That said, if you want to issue fine-grained error codes/messages for automated processing, you can introduce custom HTTP header fields, e.g.
X-MyApp-Error-Code: 2.1.6
X-MyApp-Error-Message: The uploaded file is empty
Then you would provide a documentation and/or SDK which reveals all possible error code values for X-MyApp-Error-Code
to your API consumers.