To explain this, this is basically a way to shrink floating point vector data into 8-bit or 16-bit signed or unsigned integers with a single common unsigned exponent (the most common of which being bs16 for precision with a common exponent of 11).

I'm not sure what this pseudo-float method is called; all I know is to get the resulting float, you need to do this:

float_result = int_value / ( 2.0 ** exponent )

What I'd like to do is match this data by basically guessing the exponent by attempting to re-calculate it from the given floats. (if done properly, it should be able to be re-calculated in other formats as well)

So if all I'm given is a large group of 1140 floats to work with, how can I find the common exponent and convert these floats into this shrunken bu8, bs8, bu16, or bs16 (specified) format?

EDIT: samples

>>> for value in array('h','\x28\xC0\x04\xC0\xF5\x00\x31\x60\x0D\xA0\xEB\x80'):
   print( value / ( 2. ** 11 ) )


EDIT2: I wouldn't exactly call this "compression", as all it really is, is an extracted mantissa to be re-computed via the shared exponent.

  • 3
    Please give some sample inputs/outputs. Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 13:38
  • 1
    As @JohnColeman mentioned it (the comment is gone now), you would lose some precision by converting the floats in ints and back again. Still I think is kind of an optimization problem. What you could do is try out a bunch of exponents and pick the one with the smallest MSE
    – DiKorsch
    Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 13:51
  • I think I understand the question now. The floats in question are a result of the calculation float_result = int_value / ( 2.0 ** exponent ) for int_values of a given size but with unkown exponent and you want to recover the exponent. I don't think that this is possible in general. If a given exponent works in the sense that it yields integers in a given range, then that exponent + 1 might also work with int values that are twice as big. Many lists of numbers of a given size (e.g. 16 bits) have the property that their doubles are also of the same size. Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 13:55
  • @BloodyD At first I read it as a compression problem, and had a comment about the lossy nature of the compression, but I deleted that comment when I reread it as an inverse problem. The floats in question are not arbitrary floats. Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 13:59
  • 3
    I suggest you learn about logarithms. This will allow you to solve your equation for exponent. Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 14:24

2 Answers 2


Maybe something like this:

def validExponent(x,e,a,b):
    """checks if x*2.0**e is an integer in range [a,b]"""
    y = x*2.0**e
    return a <= y <= b and y == int(y)

def allValid(xs,e,a,b):
    return all(validExponent(x,e,a,b) for x in xs)

def firstValid(xs,a,b,maxE = 100):
    for e in xrange(1+maxE):
        if allValid(xs,e,a,b):
            return e
    return "None found"


xs = [x / ( 2. ** 11 ) for x in [-12,14,-5,16,28]]
print xs
print firstValid(xs,-2**15,2**15-1)


[-0.005859375, 0.0068359375, -0.00244140625, 0.0078125, 0.013671875]

You could of course write a wrapper function which will take a string argument such as 'bs16' and automatically compute the bounds a,b

On Edit:

1) If you have the exact values of the floats the above should work. It anything has introduced any round-off error you might want to replace y == int(y) by abs(y-round(y)) < 0.00001 (or something similar).

2) The first valid exponent will be the exponent you want unless all of the integers in the original integer list are even. If you have 1140 values and they are in some sense random, the chance of this happening is vanishingly small.

On Further Edit: If the floats in question are not generated by this process but you want to find an optimal exponent which allows for (lossy) compression to ints of a given size you can do something like this (not thoroughly tested):

import math

def maxExp(x,a,b):
    """returns largest nonnegative integer exponent e with
a <= x*2**e <= b, where a, b are integers with a <= 0 and b > 0
Throws an error if no such e exists"""
    if x == 0.0:
        e = -1
    elif x < 0.0:
        e = -1 if a == 0 else math.floor(math.log(a/float(x),2)) 
        e = math.floor(math.log(b/float(x),2))
    if e >= 0:
        return int(e)
        raise ValueError()

def bestExponent(floats,a,b):
    m = min(floats)
    M = max(floats)
    e1 = maxExp(m,a,b)
    e2 = maxExp(M,a,b)
    MSE = []

    for e in range(1+min(e1,e2)):
        MSE.append(sum((x - round(x*2.0**e)/2.0**e)**2 for x in floats)/float(len(floats)))

    minMSE = min(MSE)
    for e,error in enumerate(MSE):
        if error == minMSE:
            return e

To test it:

>>> import random
>>> xs = [random.uniform(-10,10) for i in xrange(1000)]
>>> bestExponent(xs,-2**15,2**15-1)

It seems like the common exponent 11 is chosen for a reason.

  • I'm gonna do some extended testing in time to see just how close this logic is to the many various formats out there, and then see how well it can reduce the data used on full bf32 formats where supported. I'll mark this as accepted if everything performs well. :)
    – Tcll
    Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 15:10
  • 1
    @Tcll if you want to allow for an error tolerance you should use something like abs(y-round(y)) < 0.00001 rather than abs(y-int(y)) < 0.00001 (as I had in my first edit) so that negative numbers are handled correctly. Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 15:17
  • yea, I don't think this is exactly great, it only seems to work if the floats are derrived from this format, it doesn't attempt to optimize them further or pre-calculate another exponent... the idea is to try to re-perform the initial calculations that derrived the initial exponent to begin with... obviously it's possible or we wouldn't have the int values in the first place.
    – Tcll
    Commented Jan 10, 2017 at 14:41
  • @Tcll Your problem was stated as one of restoring the int data and the unknown exponent given the float data (you used the phrase "convert these floats back"). If you have floats that aren't derived from this process and want to find an algorithm to compress them in an optimal way, that is a fairly different question. Perhaps you can even post it as such, or at least edit the question so that it doesn't sound like the goal is to restore lost int data (but is instead to create the int compressions starting from arbitrary float data). Commented Jan 10, 2017 at 14:53
  • 1
    @Tcll A parting thought -- if all of the floats are of the same (or nearly the same) exponent in their internal representation, this exponent can be deduced from math.frexp(). The code I gave above for minimizing MSE is mostly relevant for the case of an arbitrary list of floats of possibly widely differing magnitudes. In simpler cases it is overkill. Commented Jan 11, 2017 at 14:09

If you've got the original values, and the corresponding result, you can use log to find the exponent. Math has a log function you can use. You'd have to log Int_value/float_result to the base 2.


import Math
x = (int_value/float_result)
  • the idea is to find the exponent with the floats only
    – Tcll
    Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 14:23
  • @Tcll What is int_value? Is this the integer part of the float? Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 14:25
  • As @Joshua mentioned it's meant for the known value, which defeats the idea... sure you can save the values on load, but it's better if you can compute the proper exponent from the start. (no loss or gain with matching results)
    – Tcll
    Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 14:36

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