
I've got some objects, one called "Parent", 3 called "Child" (Nr. 1 in the picture). How can I make, at runtime, the "Child" objects be actual children of the "Parent" object (Nr. 2 in the picture)?


  • 2
    transform.setParent(parentObject); Jan 9, 2017 at 15:40

2 Answers 2


Something like this should works:

public GameObject Parent;
public List<GameObject> Childs;

public void SetParent(){
    foreach(var child in Childs){
        child.transform.SetParent(Parent, false);

Edit: The second parameter of SetParent tells Unity to keep the world's parameters of your object:

worldPositionStays: If true, the parent-relative position, scale and rotation are modified such that the object keeps the same world space position, rotation and scale as before.

  • I feel the need to point that false in SetParent(...) is crucial ;). If you care about the order of your child objects, use: child.transform.SetAsLastSibling(); Jan 9, 2017 at 15:06

One of many ways is:

create a class to hold an arbitrary number of Child objects.

public class Children: List<Child> {}

then, add a property to the Parent class of that type

public class Parent
    public Children Children { get; set; }


then just add the 3 Child objects to the Children Property

var p = new Parent();
p.Children = new Children();
p.Children.Add(new Child());
p.Children.Add(new Child());
p.Children.Add(new Child());

access the Child objects just like you would any other property

var child1 = p.Children[0];
var child2 = p.Children[1];
var child3 = p.Children[2];


foreach( var c in p.Children)
   //.... do something

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