Currently I am using the Highcharts API here and here to style the export button for Highcharts. I am trying to get an ellipsis positioned inside of the export button to create a button that meets some styling guidelines, but due to the limitations of the API options, the closest I can get is placing it next to the symbol.

Current used options:

exportButton: {
    text: '...',
    symbolFill: 'rgb(250, 168, 0)',
    symbolStroke: 'transparent',
    symbol: 'circle'

this is the current result: JsFiddle

Ultimately, I want the end result to be something like this:

ellipsis inside circle

Does anyone know a way I can acheive this without using an image?

  • Might want to checkout styled mode for Highcharts. Unfortunately, that means including a separate set of highcharts.js files to render your charts. Jan 10, 2017 at 16:17

1 Answer 1


With the use of Renderer, you can render a proper shape and add it to the exporting button group.

Highcharts.Chart.prototype.callbacks.push(function(chart) {
var exportElements = chart.exportSVGElements,
  exportButton = exportElements[0],
  cx = exportButton.width / 2,
  cy = exportButton.height / 2,
  r = cx,
  renderer = chart.renderer;

      cx: cx,
      cy: cy,
      r: r,
      fill: '#ADD8E6'

    [0.65, 1, 1.35].forEach(scx => {
        cx: scx * cx,
        cy: cy,
        r: r * 0.12,
        fill: 'white'

Then specify exporting width, height and you can set symbol to null

    exporting: {
  buttons: {
    contextButton: {
      symbol: null,
      height: 50,
      width: 50,

example: http://jsfiddle.net/0wd08pjw/

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