Does silver_searcher support specifying multiple search expressions something like -e
in grep
I could not find any option in the document/help.
Does silver_searcher support specifying multiple search expressions something like -e
in grep
I could not find any option in the document/help.
You might want to search with both Boolean operators:
ag -l pattern1 | xargs ag -l pattern2 | xargs ag 'pattern1|pattern2'
-d '\n'
to xargs to handle spaces on 'pattern1|pattern2'
ag -v 'pattern'
: Only print the names of files containing matches, not the matching lines. An empty query will print all files that would be searched.
: Match every line not containing the specified pattern.
Add -d '\n' to xargs to handle spaces on filenames.
That's a really useful tip. I usually try to mess with -0
. What do you do if the path has parentheses or ~ in it?
Mar 8, 2022 at 23:38
According to the documentation, it doesn't support multiple search patterns. That said, it does support using parallel, so you can fire off multiple instances of ag for a multi-search:
echo "foo\nbar\nbaz" | parallel 'ag --parallel --color "{}" *'
The output using the --parallel switch will be filename, linenumber and match. If that's too fancy, you can always use the OR operator in your pattern search:
ag --color "foo|bar|baz" *
Yes, you can search for multiple patterns by separating each pattern with a vertical line character (|
ag 'pattern1|pattern2'