From every line of nmap network scan output I want to store the hosts and their IPs in variables (for further use additionaly the "Host is up"-string):
The to be processed output from nmap looks like:
Nmap scan report for samplehostname.mynetwork (
Host is up (0.00047s latency).
thats my script so far:
while IFS='' read -r line
host=$(grep report|cut -f5 -d' ')
ip=$(grep report|sed 's/^.*(//;s/)$//')
printf "Host:$host - IP:$ip"
done < <(nmap -sP
The output makes something I do not understand. It puts the "Host:" at the very beginning, and then it puts "IP:" at the very end, while it completely omits the output of $ip.
The generated output of my script is:
samplehostname5.mynetwork - IP:
In separate, the extraction of $host and $ip basically works (although there might a better solution for sure). I can either printf $host or $ip alone.
What's wrong with my script? Thanks!