How to implement OsmAnd in my iOS application? I have downloaded sample project from github but I amgetting error while running the code.

I have done R&D on it and understand that I have to implement all necessary repositories from here but question is how to do it? Totally confused on what to do?

Reference: Google Groups

1 Answer 1


I have solved this issue.

Please follow below steps to do this,

  1. Setup MacPorts in Mac Terminal.
  2. Fire below commands in terminal

    sudo port install bash, bzip2, curl, git, ImageMagick +rsvg, librsvg, p7zip, python3*, wget
  3. Install Google Repo

  4. mkdir OsmAnd && cd OsmAnd
  5. repo init -u https://github.com/osmandapp/OsmAnd-manifest -m readonly.xml
  6. ./ios/prepare.sh
  7. ./ios/prebuild-core.sh

    Open the Xcode and build once again you got an error that

Implicitly declaring library function 'malloc' with type 'void *(unsigned long)'

For solving this error add #include <stdlib.h> in gif_hash.h file.

Now, build and run it's work.

Reference : Github

  • 1
    It will give me error "'QtGlobal' file not found" in QtExtensions.h file, can you please help me Commented Jun 20, 2018 at 10:34

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