Hoping this is just a small issue, but I have this in my Express server:

app.get('/', function(req, res) {

But there's a problem when I hit:

this.posts = positions.map((bool, index) =>
  <Post key={index} pro={bool}/>

It doesn't seem to recognize the component part:

Unexpected token (19:6)
  18 |     this.posts = positions.map((bool, index) =>
> 19 |       <Post key={index} pro={bool}/>
     |       ^
  20 |     );
  21 |   }

Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

  • Do you use babel-node and do you have .babelrc configured?
    – user6812877
    Jan 21, 2017 at 7:33
  • I don't, could you point me in the right direction? All I have right now are babel presets/plugins configured through webpack.
    – Peter Qiu
    Jan 21, 2017 at 7:46

2 Answers 2


In order to use JSX universally, you need to also configure Babel on your server. In order to run babel-node you need to install babel-cli like this:

npm install -g babel-cli

Inside your project, you need to configure .babelrc like this:

(These presets come as separate packages. For example, if you want to use react preset, you need to have babel-preset-react as project dependency.)

  "presets": ["es2015", "react"] // you can add or remove presets

Then in your code, where it shows you unexpected token:

this.posts = positions.map((bool, index) => (
  <Post key={index} pro={bool} />

Then you can refactor your express route like this:

// requires es2015 preset
// you can also use require
import { renderToString } from 'react-dom';

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
  res.send(renderToString(<App />));

You can either use the babel-cli directly as Adrian says or you can wrap your app with babel-register. This is only recommended in development environments though and you should compile/transpile your app using babel before running in production.

Assuming you already have your .babelrc set up with the react and es2015 plugins, set up an index.js with something like:

const fs = require('fs-promise');

fs.readFile('./.babelrc').then((babelrc) => {
  const config = JSON.parse(babelrc);

where ./src/server is your node server app (Express, Hapi, etc.)

And to run it all NODE_ENV=development node index.js

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