I am trying to execute a sql server stored procedure from php. Stored procedure returns a output value. I want that value in php to display in webpage.
Everything works fine except the output value returns 0 in php.. but the row is getting inserted perfectly. the output value shows as 0. annoyed where I have made the mistake. Below is my php code
$billno = "REF0001";
$retsno = 0.0;
$sp_name = "{call testinsert( ?, ? )}";
$params = array(
array($billno, SQLSRV_PARAM_IN),
array($retsno, SQLSRV_PARAM_OUT)
/* Execute the query. */
$stmt3 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $sp_name, $params);
if( $stmt3 === false )
echo "Error in executing statement 3.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
echo "Inserted Retuern Sno for ".$billno." is ". $retsno. ".";
and my stored procedure is
create procedure testinsert(@bill_no VARCHAR(20),@RetSno INT OUTPUT)
insert into testable values(@bill_no,GETDATE())
set @RetSno = @@IDENTITY
with a normal number.sqlsrv_query
just uses your$params
-Array but doesn't overwrite anything in it