I've started working on a project to accelerate my learning of python. I'm trying to recreate a discord bot I use quite a bit since i'm already use to its features. Below is my current code

import discord
from discord import User
from discord.ext.commands import Bot

import secrets

pybot = Bot(command_prefix = "!")

async def on_read():
    print("Client logged in")

async def hello(*args):
    return await pybot.say("Hello, world!")

async def truck(*args):
    await pybot.send_message(message.user,'Watchout for that truck!')


what im trying to get to happen is when someone types the command !truck <mention user> it sends a message to that mentioned user with the message "Watch out for that truck!".

I'm getting the following error:

Command raised an exception: NameError: name 'message' is not defined

I've tried looking up examples of what im trying to do but haven't found much, or am not understanding what I should be doing. Hopefully this isn't a repost of a similar question


1 Answer 1


The *args in your truck is no longer valid syntax I believe for the commands with discord.py

async def truck(ctx):
    await pybot.send_message(ctx.message.user, 'Watchout for that truck!')

Checkout the github repository for Discord.py with their examples

  • thank you! I see that now. I was following a blog post that seems to be outdated. Thanks for clearing that up.
    – Milkbone
    Feb 5, 2017 at 6:21
  • Yeah I recommend you check out the discord api server in discord, it's got a lot of helpful people as well as the guy who coded the discord.py Feb 6, 2017 at 13:29

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