All of the Google Chrome Console documentation pages (and numerous SO answers) show a checkbox labeled "Regex" next to the filter when the filter bar is expanded, e.g., from the Command Line API Reference:

enter image description here

I use it so much that I have macros set up to paste various Regexes into it, so I'm positive I am not crazy and that it existed until very recently. I am using Google Chrome Version 57.0.2987.21 beta (64-bit) on Mac OS X, and it's no longer there:

enter image description here

Is it gone, have I done something inadvertent to hide it, or what?

Update: This might be a bug in the Beta channel: DevTools: [regression] isRegex checkbox is missing on Network and Console filter bars

2 Answers 2


In Chrome 58+ to enter a regex simply enclose the text in /, this trick is used in some applications:

  • 1
    Did you actually try this in Chrome, or is this a guess? Because it doesn't work. Also, I will update the question, but it may be a bug in the Beta channel: bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/…
    – Dave Land
    Feb 4, 2017 at 19:34
  • Outstanding. I'll check it out in Canary and hold my breath 'til the fix shows up in Beta.
    – Dave Land
    Feb 4, 2017 at 19:53

the approved answer didn't work for me. My version is 80+. I finally figured out that clicking on search opens the interface to search with regex.

I didn't like the search reenter image description heresults page though.

  • Oh: that's the Network tab. Interesting. Although the question was about the Console, thank you for introducing me to the Network Tab's search function, which I'd never explored before. That tiny search results list is not a lot of fun, as you point out.
    – Dave Land
    Oct 20, 2020 at 20:23

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