I am trying out to create a Random Forest regression model on one of my datasets. I need to find the order of importance of each variable along with their names as well. I have tried few things but can't achieve what I want. Below is the sample code I tried on Boston Housing dataset:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
boston = load_boston()
rf.fit(boston.data[:500], boston.target[:500])
instance=boston.data[[0,5, 10]]
print rf.predict(instance[0])
print rf.predict(instance[1])
print rf.predict(instance[2])
for x,i in enumerate(rf.feature_importances_):
print 'Most important features:',', '.join(important_features)
Most important features: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
If I print this:
impor = rf.feature_importances_
I get below output:
array([ 3.45665230e-02, 4.58687594e-04, 5.45376404e-03,
3.33388828e-04, 2.90936201e-02, 4.15908448e-01,
1.04131089e-02, 7.26451301e-02, 3.51628079e-03,
1.20860975e-02, 1.40417760e-02, 8.97546838e-03,
I need to get the names associated with these values and then pick the top n out of these features.