I want to download all of my photos and albums from facebook in a programatic way.

I know its possible to push photos to fb through graph api. I was wondering if it is possible to pull photos as well.

1 Answer 1


Yes. First you would have to get all the albums:


Then you would have to request the list of photos in each album:


The result of the last request will give you a JSON object that contains urls of each photo in the album.

See the documentation here: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/

  • 1
    Thanks for the answer. It might be worth noting you can quickly get an access token via the Graph API Explorer. Commented Aug 8, 2013 at 3:51
  • 1
    I wrote a Python script to pull down all the owner of the access_token's Facebook albums. It should demonstrate the functionality fairly well and *nix based OSes should be able to use it as is. get_albums.py Commented Aug 10, 2013 at 22:21

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