I've been looking for a while to sort a JSON object like this

{"results": [
    "layerId": 5,
    "layerName": "Pharmaceutical Entities",
    "attributes": {
      "OBJECTID": "35",
      "FACILITYTYPE": "Pharmacy",
      "FACILITYSUBTYPE": "24 Hr Pharmacy",
    "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
    "layerId": 5,
    "layerName": "Pharmaceutical Entities",
    "attributes": {
      "OBJECTID": "1",
      "FACILITYTYPE": "Pharmacy",
      "FACILITYSUBTYPE": "24 Hr Pharmacy",

    "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
    "layerId": 5,
    "layerName": "Pharmaceutical Entities",
    "attributes": {
      "OBJECTID": "255",
      "FACILITYTYPE": "Pharmacy",
      "FACILITYSUBTYPE": "24 Hr Pharmacy",
    "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",

alphabetically by value of "COMMERCIALNAME_E" to get

{"results": [
    "layerId": 5,
    "layerName": "Pharmaceutical Entities",
    "attributes": {
      "OBJECTID": "255",
      "FACILITYTYPE": "Pharmacy",
      "FACILITYSUBTYPE": "24 Hr Pharmacy",
    "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
    "layerId": 5,
    "layerName": "Pharmaceutical Entities",
    "attributes": {
      "OBJECTID": "1",
      "FACILITYTYPE": "Pharmacy",
      "FACILITYSUBTYPE": "24 Hr Pharmacy",
    "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
    "layerId": 5,
    "layerName": "Pharmaceutical Entities",
    "attributes": {
      "OBJECTID": "35",
      "FACILITYTYPE": "Pharmacy",
      "FACILITYSUBTYPE": "24 Hr Pharmacy",
    "geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",

I can't find any code that will do this. Can anyone give me some help?


6 Answers 6

function sortJsonArrayByProperty(objArray, prop, direction){
    if (arguments.length<2) throw new Error("sortJsonArrayByProp requires 2 arguments");
    var direct = arguments.length>2 ? arguments[2] : 1; //Default to ascending

    if (objArray && objArray.constructor===Array){
        var propPath = (prop.constructor===Array) ? prop : prop.split(".");
            for (var p in propPath){
                if (a[propPath[p]] && b[propPath[p]]){
                    a = a[propPath[p]];
                    b = b[propPath[p]];
            // convert numeric strings to integers
            a = a.match(/^\d+$/) ? +a : a;
            b = b.match(/^\d+$/) ? +b : b;
            return ( (a < b) ? -1*direct : ((a > b) ? 1*direct : 0) );

sortJsonArrayByProperty(results, 'attributes.OBJECTID');
sortJsonArrayByProperty(results, 'attributes.OBJECTID', -1);


function sortByProperty(objArray, prop, direction){
    if (arguments.length<2) throw new Error("ARRAY, AND OBJECT PROPERTY MINIMUM ARGUMENTS, OPTIONAL DIRECTION");
    if (!Array.isArray(objArray)) throw new Error("FIRST ARGUMENT NOT AN ARRAY");
    const clone = objArray.slice(0);
    const direct = arguments.length>2 ? arguments[2] : 1; //Default to ascending
    const propPath = (prop.constructor===Array) ? prop : prop.split(".");
        for (let p in propPath){
                if (a[propPath[p]] && b[propPath[p]]){
                    a = a[propPath[p]];
                    b = b[propPath[p]];
        // convert numeric strings to integers
        a = a.match(/^\d+$/) ? +a : a;
        b = b.match(/^\d+$/) ? +b : b;
        return ( (a < b) ? -1*direct : ((a > b) ? 1*direct : 0) );
    return clone;

const resultsByObjectId = sortByProperty(results, 'attributes.OBJECTID');
const resultsByObjectIdDescending = sortByProperty(results, 'attributes.OBJECTID', -1);
  • Yes, there is no "easy" solution for sorting json. But ther IS a solution... You are so goood. Commented Nov 12, 2015 at 14:41
  • thanks updated, for testable code, harness power of functional programming I no longer mutate args in my functions.
    – PDA
    Commented May 31, 2017 at 17:08
  • Of note, a.match returns a failure if the property is already an integer Commented Mar 24, 2021 at 4:18
  • FYI, you never use direction parameter.
    – user1853517
    Commented May 4, 2021 at 1:31

First extract the JSON encoded data:

var data = JSON.parse(yourJSONString);
var results = data['results'];

Then sort with a custom(user) function:

    //return a.attributes.OBJECTID - b.attributes.OBJECTID;
    if(a.attributes.OBJECTID == b.attributes.OBJECTID)
        return 0;
    if(a.attributes.OBJECTID < b.attributes.OBJECTID)
        return -1;
    if(a.attributes.OBJECTID > b.attributes.OBJECTID)
        return 1;

I assumed you wanted to sort by OBJECTID, but you can change it to sort by anything.

  • Why eval when you can JSON.parse? Commented Sep 7, 2020 at 5:07
  • @customcommander Most probably because this answer is from 10 years ago and JSON.parse did not have full browser support back then. Feel free to edit answers that you think are outdated.
    – Alin P.
    Commented Sep 7, 2020 at 12:20

you can sort an ordered array of anything by providing a custom compare function as a parameter to Array.Sort().

var myObject = /* json object from string */ ;

myObject.results.sort(function (a, b) {

    // a and b will be two instances of your object from your list

    // possible return values
    var a1st = -1; // negative value means left item should appear first
    var b1st =  1; // positive value means right item should appear first
    var equal = 0; // zero means objects are equal

    // compare your object's property values and determine their order
    if (b.attributes.COMMERCIALNAME_E < a.attributes.COMMERCIALNAME_E) {
        return b1st;
    else if (a.attributes.COMMERCIALNAME_E < b.attributes.COMMERCIALNAME_E) {
        return a1st;
    else {
        return equal;

you can easily do it with array.sort()

    { name: "Robin Van Persie", age: 28 },
    { name: "Theo Walcott", age: 22 },
    { name: "Bacary Sagna", age: 26  }
].sort(function(obj1, obj2) {
    // Ascending: first age less than the previous
    return obj1.age - obj2.age;
// Returns:  
// [
//    { name: "Theo Walcott", age: 22 },
//    { name: "Bacary Sagna", age: 26  },
//    { name: "Robin Van Persie", age: 28 }
// ]

example is taken from here, learn more about it from here


You cannot sort a JSON string.. JSON is an Object Notation for data transport - ie, a string. You will have to evaluate it as an object literal (e.g. with eval) and make any changes you want before reserializing it.


Extract the JSON from the String

var data = eval(given_JSON_string);
var results = data['results'];

Sort by passing a custom function to sort method


custom function can be defined as

function customfunction(a, b) {

return a.attributes.COMMERCIALNAME_E < b.attributes.COMMERCIALNAME_E ? 1 : -1;


  • Why eval when you can JSON.parse? Commented Sep 7, 2020 at 5:09

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