I have a text_area inside a fields_for, which is inside a form_for.

<%= day_form.text_area :hatch %>

Is it possible to change the size of the text_area? For example: day_form.text_area size: 5.

3 Answers 3


You could either go with:

<%= day_form.text_area :hatch, cols: 30, rows: 10 %>

or you can specify both with the size attribute:

<%= day_form.text_area :hatch, size: "30x10" %>
  • 4
    this does not work now is there a rails 3.1 solution which is different from this one?
    – Dev R
    Commented May 11, 2012 at 10:23
  • I didn't see this mentioned, but you can also write it like so: <%= f.text_area :text, :size => "60%x5%" %> This is in Rails 4.0.0
    – kyle
    Commented Aug 23, 2013 at 3:13
  • I had to change f.text_field to f.text_area.
    – flobacca
    Commented Oct 10, 2013 at 0:33

For responsiveness I like to make the text area width 100% :

<%= f.text_area :description, rows: 10, style: 'width:100%;' %>


As text area has both row and column you have to specify both

<%= text_area(:application, :notes, cols: 40, rows: 15, class: 'myclass') %>

For text field can use

<%= text_field(:application, :name, size: 20) %>


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