When I am in backoffice and try to add an order and search for my customers I would like to show the customer's address in the little box. AddOrder-Search for Customer screenshot

in /themes/default/template/controllers/orders/form.tpl i have:

 function searchCustomers()
            html += '<div class="panel-heading">'+this.company+' '+this.firstname+' '+this.lastname;
            html += '<span class="pull-right">#'+this.id_customer+'</span></div>';
            html += '<span>'+this.email+'</span><br/>';
            html += '<span>'+this.addresses+'</span><br/>';

But that just shows as "undefined" so i think i need to add something in the controllers/admin/AdminCustomersController.php (searchCustomers) but i am not sure.

Can somebody tell me what code am i missing?

I am using Prestashop

1 Answer 1


To display the data, you need to get the data if it's not there. In this case, the this.addresses notifies undefined, because it doesn't "exist".

You can use this in override/controllers/admin/AdminCustomerControllers.php

public function ajaxProcessSearchCustomers()
        $searches = explode(' ', Tools::getValue('customer_search'));
        $customers = array();
        $searches = array_unique($searches);
        foreach ($searches as $search) {
            if (!empty($search) && $results = Customer::searchByName($search, 50)) {
                foreach ($results as $result) {
                    if ($result['active']) {
                        $customer = new Customer($result['id_customer']);
                        $addresses = $customer->getAddresses($this->context->language->id);
                        $result['addresses'] = '';
                        if(is_array($addresses) and !empty($addresses))
                            foreach ($addresses as $address) {
                                $result['addresses'] .= $address['alias'].'<br />';
                        $customers[$result['id_customer']] = $result;

        if (count($customers)) {
            $to_return = array(
                'customers' => $customers,
                'found' => true
        } else {
            $to_return = array('found' => false);

        $this->content = Tools::jsonEncode($to_return);

This will define the addresses (only the aliases of the addresses, if you need more just change the line $result['addresses'] .= $address['alias'].'<br />';.

Don't forget to set the correct class class AdminCustomersController extends AdminCustomersControllerCore and then delete the file cache/class_index.php


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