I'm trying to setup Angular 2 using "npm install @angular/cli -g "

After the install, the only warning I see is the UNMET PEER DEPENDENCY rxjs@^5.0.1, which I then install and reinstall "npm install @angular/cli -g"

No matter what I do, or what version of Node I setup with n, I keep getting the following message when trying to user the "ng" commands:

zsh: command not found: ng

I've been looking around and have not found a solution for this.

Has anyone run into this and have any suggestions?


It looks like this is not a angular/cli specific issue.

I now see that I get the same message when I try to run "Grunt" and "Ionic" commands on an existing project that was working fine.

zsh: command not found: ionic zsh: command not found: grunt

  • Drop the @ and try it again. If that doesn't work, you may have run sudo npm install at some point, if that's the case you'd need to run sudo npm install -g angular/cli due to permission issues. You can typically fix that using chown or chmod on your ~/.npm folder. If that doesn't work, uninstall angular/cli and reinstall it. Commented Feb 19, 2017 at 3:58
  • Hi Austin, I tried your suggestions, but it didn't work. I now have noticed that on an existing project, where I use grunt, it get's a similar message when trying to run the grunt command: zsh: command not found: grunt. I'm thinking there is more to this than just angular/cli.
    – cnak2
    Commented Feb 19, 2017 at 18:14

1 Answer 1


Most likely, the directory in which the global modules are installed is not in your $PATH -- and therefore unknown to your shell.

To fix this issue, we can create a new directory for global node_modules, configure npm to use it, and add that directory to your $PATH.

# create a new directory where npm will install packages
$  mkdir ~/.node_modules

# set npm "prefix" config to that directory
$  npm config set prefix '~/.node_modules'

# append a line to your .zshrc instructing it to include that directory in your $PATH, making the executables known to the shell
$ echo 'export PATH=~/.node_modules/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.zshrc

# update current shell with new path (not needed for new sessions)
$ source ~/.zshrc

Then, first reinstall the latest npm (npm i -g npm), followed by the global packages you need (npm i -g @angular/cli).

For more on PATH, see this definition: http://www.linfo.org/path_env_var.html

  • I tried this solution, but got an error with my nvm. Any advice on the work around? Your user’s .npmrc file (${HOME}/.npmrc) has a globalconfig` and/or a prefix setting, which are incompatible with nvm. Run nvm use --delete-prefix v20.11.1 --silent to unset it.`
    – dko
    Commented Mar 26 at 22:48
  • ^ what worked for me was running npm cache verify before nvm install -g @angular/cli didn't need to add thte prefix or edit the .zshrc file (solution here)
    – dko
    Commented Mar 28 at 2:37

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