This seems like a very basic question, but I can't seem to find a straightforward answer online after searching for very long.

I am using xampp, but can't seem to find the control panel.

The only application I have is manager-osx

Is there something missing in my download? Or is there a procedure to run the control panel?

enter image description here

Thank you very much!

  • I am not sure if I just can't see the control panel just because I am using mac.
    – sciffany
    Commented Feb 21, 2017 at 1:23
  • 4
    The xampp control on a mac is called manager-osx, it seems right but you can search here apachefriends.org/faq_osx.html maybe you can find something.
    – Albografi
    Commented Jun 7, 2017 at 20:39
  • 1
    Thank you for the link! Yes, I have been able to work with the manager-osx perfectly fine. I was just really confused because I was following tutorials where they used the Windows control panel. Thank you!
    – sciffany
    Commented Jun 8, 2017 at 17:14

5 Answers 5


Yeah, thanks @Jon's answer helped me out in the end, indirectly. They should make a cross platform with Electron, it's 2018 already! :).

But you can pick the Manage Servers tab and have similar functionality on MAC:

XAMPP Control Panel - Called Manager OSX

I find it most annoying that the Xampp manager doesn't have XAMPP in the name, but is vaguely called 'manager-osx'. This way you can't quickly find it through OS X's Spotlight search. The names comes across as a bit of egocentric of the developers thinking they've made only manager application. But yeah; it's freeware...



XAMPP V7.2.0-0

ROUTE: aplications/XAMMP/xampfiles/manager-osx

Please refer to the screenshot below

Check this screenshot for reference

  • Thanks! This is what I was looking for, it wasn't showing up in the spotlight search. It's the same for version 5.x if anyone else is wondering. Commented Apr 24, 2019 at 13:21

I looked up the question on the apache forum for mac and it appears there the interface you're looking for is only available on Windows.


Only way to open control panel is :

Step 1 : Open manager- osx

Step 2 : Choose Manage Servers

Step 3 : Turn all Servers on i.e - Mysql Database, ProFTPD & Apache Web Server. All Servers should be running

Step 4 : Go To browser & Open below given link --------


After this Control Panel will open.

Thanks & Regards


There is no Control panel as much as Windows. you have to go to the route. usually its Finder > Applications > (find your Xampp Folder) > Expand the folder. that's the current way and its helped me with android studios

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