I want to show all the values from both tables([JC_ItemDSP10days],[JC_ItemDSP30Days])

when I run this below query, it returns 14210 Rows

    itemid,sum(qtysold) [NineDaysSold]
group by ItemID

when I run this query, it returns 16455 Rows

    itemid,sum(qtysold) [ThirtyDaysSold]
group by ItemID

Now i want to show all the records from both table, when JC_ItemDSP10days.ItemID=JC_ItemDSP30Days.ItemID,as well as if the records are not in either one of the table also it has to show the result

This is what i tried

    ItemID =isnull(nineDays.itemid,thirtyDays.ItemID),
    CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),sum(nineDays.qtysold))  [NineDaysSold],
    CONVERT(DECIMAL(10,2),sum(thirtyDays.qtysold)) [ThirtyDaysSold]
    [JC_ItemDSP10days] nineDays
FULL outer JOIN [HQMatajer].[dbo].[JC_ItemDSP30Days] thirtyDays on nineDays.ItemID=thirtyDays.ItemID
group by nineDays.ItemID,thirtyDays.ItemID
order by ItemID

But the result is wrong


This is the actual value of ItemID=9 From the first two query result


1 Answer 1


Because you will have multiple rows for the same itemid in each table, using the full join you will get duplicates as matches overlap which will inflate your aggregates.

Consequently, you need to do your aggregation on each dataset before joining the results together. In the simplest form (In terms of seeing what is being done) what you need to do logically is the following:

select itemid = isnull(nineDays.itemid,thirtyDays.ItemID)
from (select itemid
                ,sum(qtysold) as NineDaysSold
        from [HQMatajer].[dbo].[JC_ItemDSP10days]
        group by ItemID
        ) as nineDays
    full outer join (select itemid
                            ,sum(qtysold) as ThirtyDaysSold
                    from [HQMatajer].[dbo].[JC_ItemDSP30Days]
                    group by ItemID
                    ) as thirtyDays
        on(nineDays.itemid = thirtyDays.itemid);

Which is more traditionally done with the use of Common Table Expressions:

with nineDays as
    select itemid
            ,sum(qtysold) as NineDaysSold
    from [HQMatajer].[dbo].[JC_ItemDSP10days]
    group by ItemID
), thirtyDays as
    select itemid
            ,sum(qtysold) as ThirtyDaysSold
    from [HQMatajer].[dbo].[JC_ItemDSP30Days]
    group by ItemID
select itemid = isnull(nineDays.itemid,thirtyDays.ItemID)
from nineDays
    full outer join thirtyDays
        on(nineDays.itemid = thirtyDays.itemid);

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