I checked out a branch let's call 1.14 from the remote 1.14 branch. I made local changes and made a commit, changed my local branch to something else, let's call mynew. If I run git branch -vv I see that

mynew efe918d [origin/1.14: ahead 1] commit_msg

Now I want to push this mynew not into the origin/1.14 but a new let's call origin/mynew, which isn't exist yet, I want to create it by pushing the local one.

How could I do this?

4 Answers 4


You can specify the destination branch on push command

git push origin localBranch:remoteBranch

In your case you can write

git push origin mynew:mynew

If mynewdoesn't exist on the server, it will create it.

To set up mynew local branch to be linked (when pulling, pushing) to remote mynew branch use -u or --set-upstream equivalent option

git push -u origin mynew:mynew

If you are on mynew 's branch, git push -u origin mynew will push on a new branch called mynew.

  • There are some cases and settings where this will work, and some where mynew:mynew is required. It's always safe to be explicit (mynew:mynew) so Flows' answer is better here.
    – torek
    Commented Feb 23, 2017 at 17:06

Just Push your local mynew branch. A new origin/mynew will be created and track automatically.

$ git checkout mynew
$ git push -u origin mynew

This pushes the mynew branch to origin and sets its upstream to the new created origin/mynew.

git push origin mynew --set-upstream

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