I tried all these things and none of them worked. One day all my projects are running, next day all my projects have an empty gen folder?
After a series of tests to resolve the phantom missing R.java, the one that led me to a drastic action is when I looked at the Properties > Android and the Project Build Target was greyed out and the project wasn't linked to any SDK, almost as if there were no SDKs installed. This was after I uninstalled 4.2 and reinstalled all tools and SDKs...
Long story short, after trying everything I could find online, I just deleted the whole "adt-bundle-mac-x86_64" folder in my workspace folder, unzipped the original download, and dragged the original folder back into the workspace.
This works as a last resort, however you will have to import all of your projects back into the package explorer by New > Project... > Android Project from Existing Code, and make sure you have the "Copy projects into workspace" UNCHECKED.
IMPORTANT: You will find that you can't do this if your "MainActivity" file is always named "MainActivity," so just for future project creating, it's good practice to always name your main activity something different each time.