I have a list of animals profiles (ID cards). When I click on one of them while logged in as an Admin, I access a page with more details and several pictures. There, I can edit the animal profile (POST method), and I would also like to be able to delete a picture by clicking on it. I'm trying to use Ajax to do that, but I'm unable to complete the process. My code so far :
Route::get('/edition-adoption/{animal}', 'AnimalsController@editAdoption')
->where('animal', '[0-9]+');
Route::post('/edition-adoption/{animal}', 'AnimalsController@updateAdoption');
Route::get('/edition-adoption/{folder}/{file}/delete', ['uses' => 'AnimalsController@deletePicture', 'as' => 'delete']);
View :
<form role="form" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="{{ url('/edition-adoption/{animal}') }} ">
{{ csrf_field() }}
/*several fields to update*/
<div class="col-xs-11">
<script src={{asset("/js/imageSrc.js")}}></script>
/*other fields & submit button*/ </form>
Controller :
public function editAdoption (Animal $animal) {
return view('administration/edition-adoption',['animal' => $animal]);
public function deletePicture($file, $folder) {
$path = public_path('js/slider_images/Adoption/Profile/'.$folder.'/'.$file);
public function updateAdoption (Request $request) {
/*several update requests*/
Helper :
function edit_profile($current_id) {
$paths = File::Files('js/slider_images/Adoption/Profile/'.$current_id);
if (count($paths)==0) {
"<p>Aucune image</p>";
else {
foreach($paths as $path)
$filesinfo[] = pathinfo($path);
foreach ($filesinfo as $file) {
$current_basename = $file['basename'];
"<img onclick='getImgSrc(this)' width='200px' src='".asset("/js/slider_images/Adoption/Profile/".$current_id."/".$current_basename)."'/>  ";
imageSrc.js (Ajax) :
function getImgSrc(param){
var imgSrc = $(param).attr("src");
var myarr = imgSrc.split("/");
var arrlen = myarr.length;
var id = myarr[arrlen-2];
var myvar = myarr[arrlen-1];
var result = confirm("Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer cette image ? Cette action est irréversible.");
if (result) {
url: 'delete',
headers: {
'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')
data: {'folder': id, 'file' : myvar},
success: function (response) {
alert('Image supprimée !');
error: function () {
alert('Erreur. Veuillez réessayer.');
The confirmation alert works fine, but when I click on OK, the following exception appear :
GET http://localhost/sites/(...)/public/edition-adoption/delete?folder=foldername&file=filename.jpg 405 (Method Not Allowed)
Any idea(s) on how to solve this problem?
, but it's accessing/edition-adoption/delete?
url: id+'/'+myvar+'/delete',
but the result is the same...artisan route:list | grep edition-adoption | grep delete
says.$ php artisan route:list | grep edition-adoption | grep delete
gives me the following lines :| | GET|HEAD | edition-adoption/{folder}/{file}/delete | delete | App\Http\Controllers\AnimalsController@deletePicture | web |
curl http://localhost/sites/(...)/public/edition-adoption/foldername/filename.jpg/delete -v 2>&1 | head -20
should delete the image. Could you confirm if it returns 405 response ?