I am setting a web app up in TypeScript and I seem to be missing some basic types I need.
When I compile (npm run build
), I get the following errors,
error TS2304: Cannot find name 'HTMLElement'.
error TS2304: Cannot find name 'SVGElement'.
error TS2304: Cannot find name 'EventTarget'.
error TS2304: Cannot find name 'TouchEvent'.
error TS2304: Cannot find name 'MouseEvent'.
error TS2304: Cannot find name 'PointerEvent'.
Based on my Googling I assuming I am missing something basic in my project setup. It seems like these types are just assumed to be there with Typescript.
EDIT: Specially it should be part of the ES6 types, https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/master/lib/lib.es6.d.ts.
Here is my package.json
"name": "wip",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.html",
"dependencies": {
"hammerjs": "2.0.8"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/chai": "3.4.35",
"@types/mocha": "2.2.39",
"@types/node": "7.0.5",
"@types/hammerjs": "2.0.34",
"chai": "3.5.0",
"mocha": "3.2.0",
"safe-mock": "0.2.0",
"ts-node": "2.1.0",
"tslint": "4.5.1",
"typescript": "2.2.1",
"webpack": "^2.2.1",
"webpack-dev-server": "^2.4.1"
"scripts": {
"test": "mocha test --require ts-node/register test/**/*.ts && npm run build",
"dev": "webpack-dev-server --watch --content-base . -d --progress",
"build": "tsc"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC"
Any suggestions?
npm run-script build
have you tried this command?