Im trying to create a line chart with this code. I've laid out most of the code I've been messing around with it for hours trying different things. In class:

PendingViewController: UIViewController, ChartViewDelegate


@IBOutlet weak var lineChartView: LineChartView!

    let months = ["Jan" , "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "July", "August", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
    let dollars1 = [1453.0,2352,5431,1442,5451,6486,1173,5678,9234,1345,9411,2212]
    self.lineChartView.delegate = self
    // 2
    self.lineChartView.descriptionText = "Tap node for details"
    // 3
    self.lineChartView.chartDescription?.textColor = UIColor.white
    self.lineChartView.gridBackgroundColor = UIColor.darkGray
    // 4
    self.lineChartView.noDataText = "No data provided"
    // 5
    setChartData(months: months)


func setChartData(months : [String]) {

    // 1 - creating an array of data entries
    var yVals1 : [ChartDataEntry] = [ChartDataEntry]()
    for i in 0 ..< months.count {
        yVals1.append(ChartDataEntry(x: dollars1[i], y: Double(i)))

    // 2 - create a data set with our array
    let set1: LineChartDataSet = LineChartDataSet(values: yVals1, label: "First Set")
    set1.axisDependency = .left // Line will correlate with left axis values
    set1.setColor(UIColor.red.withAlphaComponent(0.5)) // our line's opacity is 50%
    set1.setCircleColor(UIColor.red) // our circle will be dark red
    set1.lineWidth = 2.0
    set1.circleRadius = 6.0 // the radius of the node circle
    set1.fillAlpha = 65 / 255.0
    set1.fillColor = UIColor.red
    set1.highlightColor = UIColor.white
    set1.drawCircleHoleEnabled = true

    //3 - create an array to store our LineChartDataSets
    var dataSets : [LineChartDataSet] = [LineChartDataSet]()

    //4 - pass our months in for our x-axis label value along with our dataSets
    let data: LineChartData = LineChartData(xVals: months, dataSets: dataSets)

    //5 - finally set our data
    self.lineChartView.data = data


Im receiving this error:

Cannot invoke initializer for typel 'LineChartData' with an argument list of type '(xVals: [String], dataSets: [LineChartDataSet])'

Thank You,


  • Can someone help me out?
    – Denis
    Mar 6, 2017 at 2:46
  • Can you add the link of library.
    – Nirav D
    Mar 9, 2017 at 9:03
  • pod 'Charts'? Is that what you mean?
    – Denis
    Mar 9, 2017 at 9:14
  • Is using pods a good practice in your opinion?
    – Denis
    Mar 9, 2017 at 9:15
  • There is no issue with pod, I was just asking about the chart library I got it you are using Library with name Charts. Let me check that one will respond you.
    – Nirav D
    Mar 9, 2017 at 9:24

2 Answers 2


Working code snippet: (Swift 3.0 and Chart 3.0)

fileprivate func setChart(_ lineChartView: LineChartView, dataPoints: [Double], values: [Double]) {    
  var dataEntries: [ChartDataEntry] = []

  for i in 0..<dataPoints.count {
    let dataEntry = ChartDataEntry(x: Double(i), y: values[i])

  let lineChartDataSet = LineChartDataSet(values: dataEntries, label: "Altitude")
  // lineChartDataSet.drawCubicEnabled = true
  lineChartDataSet.mode = .cubicBezier
  lineChartDataSet.drawCirclesEnabled = false
  lineChartDataSet.lineWidth = 1.0
  lineChartDataSet.circleRadius = 5.0
  lineChartDataSet.highlightColor = UIColor.red
  lineChartDataSet.drawHorizontalHighlightIndicatorEnabled = true

  var dataSets = [IChartDataSet]()

  let lineChartData = LineChartData(dataSets: dataSets)

  lineChartView.data = lineChartData

A hint for how you can figure out the overloads and I use all the time. In the "Find Navigator" in xCode you can search for "class LineChartData" -- then you can go examine the code in your pod where the "LineChartData" class is defined and see what arguments are in its init methods. Anyway, the answer I believe, base on this would be to change the line where you say:

 let data: LineChartData = LineChartData(xVals: months, dataSets: dataSets)


 let data: LineChartData = LineChartData(dataSets: dataSets)

This matches the available overloads. If too late for you, above may help somebody else.


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