I am new to JavaScript and its related framework.

What is an asset? Is it a group of JS/HTML/img files? Is it a folder? Or a library? Or a generic term used to describe all UI related files?

What is a bundle?

  • 1
    "Asset" is not a Javascript specific term, an asset is just anything you need to create your project(images, text, video, audio, etc). "Bundle" could refer to many different things, do you mean module bundling?
    – APAD1
    Commented Mar 10, 2017 at 20:41

1 Answer 1


An asset is typically a static file such as JS files, image files, CSS files. A bundle is when those files are then compressed together into a single file.

For example, if you create a "bundle" you can say: Take layout.js, product.js, print.js and output to my_bundle_name.js. Usually making a single concatenated minified file called bundle.

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