I'm trying to build the executable target for ChromeDriver from source with GN, which I installed in a directory on my PATH with Depot Tools, but when I run gn BUILD.gn
I'm getting this error:
gn.py: Could not find checkout in any parent of the current path.
This must be run inside a checkout.
I'm not sure if I need to checkout the entire Chromium directory, if I'm not setting this up correctly?
I've downloaded a working binary of gn with the help of gn_tool.
I'm still unsure what command I'm supposed to run for "building the chromedriver target", because right now every command I try seems to give me this error:
ERROR Can't find source root. I could not find a ".gn" file in the current directory or any parent,and the --root command-line argument was not specified.
...even though there is a BUILD.gn file in the directory where I'm running gn...