"GT" is greater than and "HI" is higher than. I think both have the same meaning.The instruction Set Image

  • 1
    Why did you not read the detailed description? It is very clear about the differences. Commented Mar 12, 2017 at 12:33

3 Answers 3


HI instruction takes its operands as unsigned so basically it uses C and Z flag for its operation On the other hand GT or GE takes operands as signed numbers and uses flags N(negative) and V(overflow). Both GE and GT are same but GE accepts a cleared Z flag, too. So if you are using unsigned numbers then both will produce same output.


Signed vs unsigned comparison

GT  Signed greater than
HI  Unsigned higher

The ARM documentation clearly states that

HI Unsigned higher C set and Z clear

GT Signed greater than Z clear, and either N set and V set, or N clear and V clear (Z == 0,N == V)

They are different conditions.

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