I'm reading csv file in directory with more than 100 files, then I'm doing some stuff, I have 8 cores cpu so I want to do in parallel mode to finish faster.
I wrote some code but it doesn't work for me - (using linux)
# Calculate the number of cores
no_cores <- detectCores() - 1
# Initiate cluster
cl <- makeCluster(no_cores)
processFile <- function(f) {
# reading file by data.table
df <- fread(f,colClasses = c(NA,NA, NA,"NULL", "NULL", "NULL"))
A <- parLapply(cl,sapply(windows, function(w) {return(numOverlaps(w,df))}))
files <- dir("/home/shared/", recursive=TRUE, full.names=TRUE, pattern=".*\\.txt$")
# Apply the function to all files.
result <- sapply(files, processFile)
As you see I want to run function in processFile(A) but it doesn't work!
How it's possible to run that function in parallel processing mode?