I'm an Atom user and just installed VS Code today as a recommendation from a friend. I have to say I'm pretty impressed so far :)

I frequently use the cmd + in Atom and I really like the fact that they increase only the code font size. In VS Code cmd + by default increases the size of the entire window, which seems that is better for accessibility reasons.

Is there another command/plugin that I can use that can easily change the font size of my code?

2 Answers 2



Font size shortcuts did the trick for me

  • The link is dead. Commented Feb 9, 2018 at 18:02

As of version 1.24, VS Code natively supports modifying the font size through commands that can be bound to keys in your keybindings.json file.

For reference, the VS Code team provided example keybindings to bind Ctrl + = to increase the font size on Windows. The example keybindings for Windows are reprinted in full below.

{ "key": "ctrl+numpad_add",      "command": "editor.action.fontZoomIn" },
{ "key": "shift+ctrl+=",         "command": "editor.action.fontZoomIn" },
{ "key": "ctrl+=",               "command": "editor.action.fontZoomIn" },
{ "key": "ctrl+numpad_subtract", "command": "editor.action.fontZoomOut" },
{ "key": "shift+ctrl+-",         "command": "editor.action.fontZoomOut" },
{ "key": "ctrl+-",               "command": "editor.action.fontZoomOut" },
{ "key": "ctrl+numpad0",         "command": "editor.action.fontZoomReset" },
{ "key": "ctrl+0",               "command": "editor.action.fontZoomReset" },
  • 1
    this will act not on ONE tab, but on ALL tabs/editor
    – srghma
    Commented Oct 22, 2021 at 7:34

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