Apparently this problem comes up fairly often, after reading
Regular expression to detect semi-colon terminated C++ for & while loops
and thinking about the problem for a while, i wrote a function to return the content contained inside an arbitrary number of nested ()
The function could easily be extended to any regular expression object, posting here for your thoughts and considerations.
any refactoring advice would be appreciated
(note, i'm new to python still, and didn't feel like figuring out how to raise exceptions or whatever, so i just had the function return 'fail' if it couldin't figure out what was going on)
Edited function to take into account comments:
def ParseNestedParen(string, level):
Return string contained in nested (), indexing i = level
CountLeft = len(re.findall("\(", string))
CountRight = len(re.findall("\)", string))
if CountLeft == CountRight:
LeftRightIndex = [x for x in zip(
[Left.start()+1 for Left in re.finditer('\(', string)],
reversed([Right.start() for Right in re.finditer('\)', string)]))]
elif CountLeft > CountRight:
return ParseNestedParen(string + ')', level)
elif CountLeft < CountRight:
return ParseNestedParen('(' + string, level)
return string[LeftRightIndex[level][0]:LeftRightIndex[level][1]]