I'm trying to swap subcomponents using ngIf like:

<div *ngIf="paymentListShow" payment-list></div>
<div *ngIf="paymentFormShow" payment-form></div>

So, my parent component is intended to handle these values:

swapComponent(componentName: string): void {
    let paymentState = {
      'paymentList': (that): void => {
        that.paymentFormShow = false;
        that.paymentListShow = true;

      'paymentForm': (that): void => {
        that.paymentListShow = false;
        that.paymentFormShow = true;


Does it exist any more elegant way to swap subcomponents? Using rxjs Observables?

Any ideas?

1 Answer 1


Certainly not the best, but this could be a cleaner way:

show = {
  paymentList: true,
  paymentForm: false

swapComponent(componentName: string): void {
  for (const component in this.show) {
    if (this.show.hasOwnProperty(component)) {
      this.show[component] = (component === componentName) ? true : false;

Combined with:

<div *ngIf="show.paymentList" payment-list></div>
<div *ngIf="show.paymentForm" payment-form></div>

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