Does the ret instruction cause "esp" register to be increased by 4?

3 Answers 3


Yes, it performs

pop eip

You can use

mov eax, [esp]
jmp eax

to avoid it.

EDIT: It's exactly what ret does. For example, jmp rel_offet is nothing than a hidden add eip, offset, or jmp absolute_offset is mov eip, absolute_offset. Sure there are differences in the way the processor treats them, but from programmer's point of view it's all that happens.

Also, there is a special form of ret : ret imm8 that also adds this imm8 value to esp : for example a __stdcall function uses it to discard its parameters from the stack. Not to mention retf version, used in 16bit mode, that also pops the cs from the stack.


pop register


mov register, [esp]
add esp, 4
  • Doesn't eip cann't be modified directly?
    – remainn
    Nov 27, 2010 at 15:55
  • If only the instruction: ret Does it change the value of register ESP.
    – remainn
    Nov 27, 2010 at 16:07
  • 1
    @remainn jmp target_of_jump is the way to modify eip directly (since mov eip, target_of_jump doesn't work). For details on Intel 64 and IA32 assembly I recommend the "Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual": intel.com/products/processor/manuals BTW: Unless I am mistaken on ARM processors you can read/write the Program Counter directly (it's register 15 there).
    – Nubok
    Nov 27, 2010 at 16:16

yes, because on the stack there is (well, there should be, see buffer overflow) the address to where resume the execution of the program. So ret means

pop ret_addr           ; pop deletes ret_addr from stack by adding 4 to esp
mov eip, ret_addr

which is

pop eip

just as ruslik said


Yes, when the processor is running in 32-bit protected mode. In Real mode or 16-bit protected mode RET does a POP IP, which will cause an ADD ESP, 2 (instead of 4).

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