I have a Json string like below

 String jsonRequestString = "{\"access_code\" : \"9bPbN3\" , "
                          + "\"merchant_reference\" : \"123\", \"language\" : \"en\",\"id\" : \"149018273\","
                          + "\"merchant_identifier\" : \"gKc\", \"signature\" : \"570fd712af47995468550bec2655d9e23cdb451d\", "
                          + "\"command\" : \"VOID\"}";

I have a String variable as

String code = "9bPbN3";

Question, how do I plugin the above string instead of hardcoding it at the below place. i.e. instead of 9bPbN3, I want to use the variable code there.

   String jsonRequestString = "{\"access_code\" : \"9bPbN3\" , "

Many Thanks in advance.

  • This is about (very basic) string concatenation operation. You can combine a string literal with a variable like someString = "This is my value: " + variable
    – devnull69
    Mar 22, 2017 at 12:04
  • Thanks. Do I need to consider the : and the \ as well or, just something like: "{\"access_code\" +code , " Mar 22, 2017 at 12:06
  • You should wrap the variable in quotes if you'd like to pass it as a string: "{\"access_code\": \"" +code + "\"," Mar 22, 2017 at 12:10
  • 3
    I'd recommend using a JSON library to create and parse the JSON strings to reduce error-proneness especially if you're going to process critical production data.
    – das Keks
    Mar 22, 2017 at 12:10
  • Thank you so much guys. It works fine now. Thanks again. Mar 22, 2017 at 12:14

4 Answers 4


If you are struggling to arrange the "'s the correct syntax would be

String jsonRequestString = "{\"access_code\" : \""+code+"\" , ";

Instead of formatting Json string manually, which takes alot of effort, consider using a library or util.

For ex (going to use Jackson library) :

Request re = new Request();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
String jsonStr = mapper.writeValueAsString(re);
String yourVariable = "xyz";
String jsonRequestString = "{\"access_code\" : \"" + yourVariable + "\" , "
                      + "\"merchant_reference\" : \"123\", \"language\" : \"en\",\"id\" : \"149018273\","
                      + "\"merchant_identifier\" : \"gKc\", \"signature\" : \"570fd712af47995468550bec2655d9e23cdb451d\", "
                      + "\"command\" : \"VOID\"}";
  • 1
    you should use "{\"access_code\" : \"" + yourVariable + "\"... =)
    – Erick Maia
    Mar 22, 2017 at 12:11
  • 1
    Erick, yeah, I just caught my mistaken quotation marks. Thanks. Mar 22, 2017 at 12:13

General advice is to avoid crafting a json structure out of vanilla strings. Instead use a json parser/writer library for this operations.

Checkout http://stleary.github.io/JSON-java/index.html / http://stleary.github.io/JSON-java/index.html .

There a various other libraries and tutorials available.

If you don't want to go this direction, use a "known value" placeholder and substitute it. So the full json would contain "access_code" : "@@ACCESS_CODE@@" and you would Substitute the placeholder with the real value. So your json string would be some kind of a string template.

  • 3
    IMO, this should be a comment, not an answer as this isn't really an answer to the question, just advice to not do what he's doing
    – Jerfov2
    Mar 22, 2017 at 12:14

Another option would be to use the format method like so:

 String jsonRequestString = "{\"access_code\" : \"%s\" , "
                          + "\"merchant_reference\" : \"123\", \"language\" : \"en\",\"id\" : \"149018273\","
                          + "\"merchant_identifier\" : \"gKc\", \"signature\" : \"570fd712af47995468550bec2655d9e23cdb451d\", "
                          + "\"command\" : \"VOID\"}";
String code = "9bPbN3";
String result = String.format(jsonRequestString, code);

Notice the "%s" I put in the place of where code would go. When you call the format method with code as a parameter, it puts it where the "%s" was.

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