I have a table that has one boolean column.

productid integer
isactive boolean

When I execute the query

SELECT productid   
    WHERE ispublish
    LIMIT 15 OFFSET  0

enter image description here

After that, I created an index for the ispublish column:

CREATE INDEX idx_product_ispublish ON product USING btree (ispublish)

and re-execute

SELECT productid   
       WHERE ispublish
       LIMIT 15 OFFSET  0

The result:

enter image description here

=> No difference

I've been tried the following, but the results are the same:

CREATE INDEX idx_product_ispublish ON product USING btree (ispublish)

CREATE INDEX idx_product_ispublish ON product USING btree (ispublish)

CREATE INDEX idx_product_ispublish ON product (ispublish) WHERE ispublish is TRUE

Who can explain that to me?

  • 1
    Try CREATE INDEX ... ON product (productid) WHERE ispublish -- this should trigger index-only scans (for your specific query; at least most of the time: this depends on how many rows you have f.ex.). -- Predicates in partial indexes' WHERE clause must match your queries' predicates in order to be used. WHERE ispublish, WHERE ispublish = TRUE and WHERE ispublish IS TRUE are 3 different predicates.
    – pozs
    Commented Mar 23, 2017 at 10:26

1 Answer 1


PostgreSQL will use an index only if it thinks it will be cheaper that way. An index on a boolean column, which can only take two possible values, will almost never be used, because it is cheaper to sequentially read the whole table than to use random I/O on the index and the table if a high percantage of the table has to be retrieved.

An index on a boolean column is only useful

  1. in data warehouse scenarios, where it can be combined with other indexes via a bitmap index scan.

  2. if only a small fraction of the table has the value TRUE (or FALSE for that matter). In this case it is best to create a partial index like

     CREATE INDEX ON mytab((1)) WHERE boolcolumn;

    That indexed value is the constant 1 (index expressions that are not column references or look like a function call have to be in an extra pair of parentheses for syntactical reasons). The only relevant part about this index is its WHERE condition. The constant 1 is there just because something has to be indexed. If you have a (small) column that you can use instead, do it.

  • would mytab((true)) be smaller than mytab((1)) ?
    – Joe Love
    Commented Nov 29, 2021 at 21:55
  • I don't think so. Commented Nov 30, 2021 at 6:49
  • 1
    This is excellent for soft deletes. I was running a fairly complex query on a 15M row table with just 50k active rows. Adding this index reduced query time from 1m 23s, down to 4s.
    – defraggled
    Commented Oct 28, 2023 at 10:35

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