I've created an expo app with exp init MyApp command and started it by running exp start in MyApp directory.

Then I'm scanning barcode which was printed in console with expo mobile app on android device.

Then "Something went wrong" screen is rendered instead of the app.

View log shows "Uncaught Error: Couldn't load exp://.....".

No errors in expo packager console output.

It used to work sometimes ago.

  • This is still happening with version 2.25.2 even after tried everything possible, from just refresh with r, to clean cache or even delete and reinstall. Basically it doesn't do the basic reason why is been developed Commented Sep 9, 2022 at 10:08
  • In my case i update npm using " npm update" then " npm fund" then run app it worked Commented Feb 24 at 9:18

38 Answers 38


That issue was solved very easily following these steps:

  1. Sign in with the expo mobile app using your expo account.
  2. When we run the app using the expo start command can see the localhost web page, In that web page left side can see Connection, by default it is Land, change it to the Tunnel.
  3. Scan the QR code.

for me it was the antivirus security firewall i turned it off it run well


None of these solutions worked for me on an Android Emulator. But I figured it out: It was because of the proxy settings I made months ago and I forgot to remove.

For Android Emulator it can be solved by:

  1. Click on the 3-dots icon in the side-bar.
  2. Go to settings --> Proxy.
  3. Check No Proxy.



For me it was due to another server running on port 19000. Node asked permission to run the server on port 19001 to which I responded 'Y'. This was the problem. I stopped the other server and allowed Expo to run on the default 19000 port, and it worked.


In my case, I have solved the problem in this way(Windows):

  • First of all, you need to connect to the same Wi-Fi with your computer.
  • Secondly type ipconfig to learn your computer's local IP. Assume that it is Now, type the url exp:// to your phone browser's addresbar(It is 19000 because metro bundler work at port 19000 as default). Probably, it will direct you to the Expo App and your app will work.
  • If it does not work even so, Enter Control Panel>Network and Internet>Network and Sharing Centre>{the wifi that you are connected}>Properties>Internet Protocol(TCP/IPv4)>Advanced> and disable Automatic metric and type 10 in Interface metric value, probably this will fix the issue. At least, in my case it fixed.

This problem is caused by QR code which directs your phone to the, which is localhost and therefore can not access computer from there.


Sometimes when you have this kind of errors, the only thing you need to do in order to fix it is disconnect and connect again to your network from your pc and your phone.

I was having this same error and this worked for me!


This is because your expo app ip address and your pc ip address is different

You can fix it by running this command as an administrator on you windows powershell:

setx /M REACT_NATIVE_PACKAGER_HOSTNAME (replace this ip address with your current pc ip address)

I have also made a video on this topic

You can watch it for better understanding: https://youtu.be/tSP0VECZ61k?si=tG9j4Vcf7kySI4r9

  • Maybe it's needed to reload WIndows after this action. And maybe run these commands to clean cache: 1) rimraf node_modules 2) npm cache clean --force 3) npm install 4) expo start -c
    – hisbvdis
    Commented Jun 5 at 9:20

I get this error in react-native-web for browser.

chrome doesn't work, but firefox works. Weird ...

And, the error might gone after a while (e.g 1 or 2 days).

See my another question: expo & react-native-web: Something went wrong, A network error occurred


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