Is def greet; puts "hello"; end the only way to define a method on one line in Ruby?

  • 11
    As you can see from the answers, it's possible to define a method different ways on a single line, but the question is, should you? Any definition should be written in a way that is clear and clean for maintenance and readability reasons, so if the single-line becomes unwieldy or confusing then spread it out. Some languages seem to encourage terse coding as a way of being code-studly, but Ruby coding style encourages elegance, readability and maintainability above studliness. Accomplish the first three and we will bow to you. Commented Jan 27, 2011 at 22:37

6 Answers 6


You can avoid the need to use semicolons if you use parentheses:

def hello() :hello end
  • 1
    This is longer than using semicolons...? Commented Apr 22, 2017 at 3:52
  • @ApollyssupportsMonica if yoou read his question he already used semi-colons, so he clearly wanted an ALTERNATIVE approach :)
    – horseyguy
    Commented Mar 28, 2021 at 18:11

No Single-line Methods

From rubocop/ruby-style-guide#no-single-line-methods:

Avoid single-line methods. Although they are somewhat popular in the wild, there are a few peculiarities about their definition syntax that make their use undesirable. At any rate - there should be no more than one expression in a single-line method.

NOTE: Ruby 3 introduced an alternative syntax for single-line method definitions, that's discussed in the next section of the guide.

# bad
def too_much; something; something_else; end

# okish - notice that the first ; is required
def no_braces_method; body end

# okish - notice that the second ; is optional
def no_braces_method; body; end

# okish - valid syntax, but no ; makes it kind of hard to read
def some_method() body end

# good
def some_method

One exception to the rule are empty-body methods.

# good
def no_op; end

Endless Methods

From rubocop/ruby-style-guide#endless-methods:

Only use Ruby 3.0's endless method definitions with a single line body. Ideally, such method definitions should be both simple (a single expression) and free of side effects.

NOTE: It's important to understand that this guideline doesn't contradict the previous one. We still caution against the use of single-line method definitions, but if such methods are to be used, prefer endless methods.

# bad
def fib(x) = if x < 2
  fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2)

# good
def the_answer = 42
def get_x = @x
def square(x) = x * x

# Not (so) good: has side effect
def set_x(x) = (@x = x)
def print_foo = puts("foo")

P.S.: Just to give an up-to-date full answer.

def add a,b; a+b end

The semicolon is the inline statement terminator for Ruby

Or you can use the define_method method. (Edit: This one's deprecated in ruby 1.9)

define_method(:add) {|a,b| a+b }
  • 5
    Doesn't seem to be deprecated in Ruby 2+
    – kxmh42
    Commented Feb 9, 2015 at 15:57

Ruby 3.0.0 adds "endless" definitions for methods with exactly one statement:

def greet = puts("hello")

Note that the one-statement limitation means that this can't be written as:

def greet = puts "hello"

SyntaxError: unexpected string literal, expecting `do' or '{' or '('
def greet = puts "hello"

It seems that this change was intended to either encourage the use of one-line methods or adjust to the reality that they are very common but hard to read -- "this kind of simple method definition [is estimated to] account for 24% of the entire method definitions" of the ruby/ruby code base.


Another way:

define_method(:greet) { puts 'hello' }

May be used if you don't want to enter new scope for method while defining it.

  • NoMethodError: private method `define_method' called for Object:Class in Ruby 1.9.3
    – Jared
    Commented Jul 25, 2012 at 16:11
  • 3
    define_method has been "privatized" in Ruby 1.9
    – edgerunner
    Commented Mar 1, 2013 at 8:46

Yet another way:

def greet() return 'Hello' end
  • 14
    In Ruby, the return value of a method is the value returned by the last statement. You don't need the return here since it's not a guard clause.
    – Damien
    Commented May 17, 2013 at 20:04
  • 1
    Upvoted because, although it is not needed, the return can add readability for those less versed in (or familiar with) Ruby. It's one of those YMMV things...
    – Potherca
    Commented Jun 15, 2020 at 16:51

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