I want an array of containing weeks of current month, How can i get this? I have tried different methods but none of them is working for me..
$month = date('m'); // it should be CURRENT MONTH Of Current Year
$year = date('y'); // Current year
$beg = (int) date('W', strtotime("$year-$month"));
$end = (int) date('W', strtotime("$year-$month"));
I have used the above code but not working..
I want to put those week numbers of current month into an array like
array ('1' => 'first week of march', '2' => '2nd week of march', '3' => '3rd week of march', '4' => '4th week of march', '5' => '5th week of march' ) etc
1,2,3,4,5 in array can be week number