I have defined options as follows:
public class ArgumentsHeader
[VerbOption("configure", HelpText = "Sets configuration on server.")]
public ServerConfigurationArguments ServerConfigurationArguments { get; set; }
public string GetUsage(string s)
// always just 'help' or null showing up here:
return HelpText.AutoBuild(this, s);
public class ServerConfigurationArguments : ArgumentsBase
[Option('f', "filename", HelpText = "Path to JSON configuration file", DefaultValue = "config.json", Required = true)]
public string PathToConfig { get; set; }
Then parsing them like this:
string invokedVerb = null;
object invokedVerbInstance = null;
var parser = new Parser(x =>
x.MutuallyExclusive = true;
var options = new ArgumentsHeader();
if (!parser.ParseArguments(args, options,
(verb, subOptions) =>
// if parsing succeeds the verb name and correct instance
// will be passed to onVerbCommand delegate (string,object)
invokedVerb = verb;
invokedVerbInstance = subOptions;
But if I try to run my exe with 'help configure
' it will just print out entire help, AND in GetUsage(string)
method there is only 'help' command showing up in debugger.
Is it a bug or what?