
I have a DF1

rs1 1  
rs2 2  
rs3 3 
rs4 4  

And DF2

rs1   A
rs2   B

I am looking for the way to get DF3

SNP    a
rs1_A  1
rs2_B  2
rs3    3
rs4    4

I have tried to use ifelse statement such as

ifelse(DF1$SNP %in% DF2$SNP,paste(DF1$SNP, DF2$GENE,sep="_"),DF1$SNP)

But it didnt work. Thank you for any help.


1 Answer 1


We need to replace the %in% with , in paste

DF1$SNP <- ifelse(DF1$SNP %in% DF2$SNP,paste(DF1$SNP, DF2$GENE,sep="_"),DF1$SNP)
#[1] "rs1_A" "rs2_B" "rs3"   "rs4"  

If we are creating a new objects

DF3 <- transform(DF1, SNP = ifelse(SNP %in% DF2$SNP, paste(SNP, DF2$GENE, sep="_"), SNP))

NOTE: Here, we assume the columns are character class and not factor

  • sorry typo error. but it still seems to be not working
    – ThePooh
    Mar 31, 2017 at 7:01
  • @ThePooh What is the error? I get the expected output. If you have a factor column, convert to character will as.character and then it should work
    – akrun
    Mar 31, 2017 at 7:04
  • 1
    Right, one of the columns was factor. Thank you!
    – ThePooh
    Mar 31, 2017 at 7:04

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