Consider a 32 bit floating point number (IEEE 754) having 0-22 for mantissa(23 bits) , 23-30 for exponent(8 bits) , 31 for sign(1bit)
I want to find out the smallest positive number that can be stored.
I have been told answer is 1.18*10-38 which is approx 2-126
My analysis is as follows
if we put all zeroes in mantissa and put all ones in exponent then the decimal equivalent would be
1.0 x 2-128 = 2.93 x 10-39

Where am I going wrong ?

  • 3
    As Wikipedia explains, "Exponents range from −126 to +127 because exponents of −127 (all 0s) and +128 (all 1s) are reserved for special numbers." Commented Apr 1, 2017 at 7:10
  • 1
    "I have been told answer is 1.18*10-38" <- That's not correct: that value is the smallest positive normal number that's representable. The smallest positive number that's representable is 2^149, or approximately 1.4*10^-45. Commented Apr 1, 2017 at 10:57

3 Answers 3


I think of IEEE-754 numbers as being divided into three main categories: specials, normals, and subnormals. These categories are based on the value of the exponent, and there's also some substructure within each category. Specials are those with the maximum exponent value, subnormals have an exponent that's the minimum, and normals are everything in between. We can summarize things in a table (with the specific values here being those for single-precision float, as you asked about):

exponent significand category adjusted significand adj. exp.
FF nonzero NaN * n/a
FF 0 infinity n/a n/a
01FE anything normals (1)000000(1)7fffff -126 – +127
00 nonzero subnormals 0000007fffff -126
00 0 zero 0 n/a

The key is that:

  • Normal numbers have a 24-bit significand (popularly known as a "mantissa") where the leading bit is always 1 (and is therefore implicit) and an exponent in the range from -126 to +127 (which is 0x01 to 0xfe or 1 to 254, minus the bias of 127).
  • Subnormal numbers have a 23-bit significand where the leading bit is not necessarily 1 (and is therefore explicit) and an exponent of -126.

Now, you might think that for the subnormals, since the raw exponent is 0 and the exponent bias is 127, the actual exponent should be -127. (That's what I thought for a long time, too.) But that would leave a gap in the subnormals. So the exponent for the subnormals is -126, and is one higher than you might have expected, and ends up matching the exponent for the smallest of the normals.

So what do these ranges work out to?

For normals, the maximum raw significand is 0x7fffff, or 0xffffff with the implicit 1 bit added, which as a fraction is 0x1.fffffe, or 1.99999988079071044921875. The minimum raw significand is 0x000000, or 0x800000 with the implicit 1 bit added, which is 0x1.000000, or 1.0.

For subnormals, the maximum raw significand is 0x7fffff, which as a fraction is 0x0.fffffe, or 0.99999988079071044921875. The minimum raw significand is 0x000001, which is 0x0.000002, or 0.00000011920928955078125.

Putting this all together with the maximum and minimum exponent values, we have:

threshold derivation decimal hex
max normal 1.99999988 × 2127 3.4028234663852885981e+38 0xf.fffff0E+31
min normal 1.0 × 2-126 1.175494350822287508e-38 0x4.000000E-32
max subnormal 0.99999988 × 2-126 1.175494210692441075e-38 0x3.fffff8E-32
min subnormal 0.000000119 × 2-126 1.401298464324817071e-45 0x8.000000E-38

So when you heard that the smallest float was 1.18 × 10-38, obviously someone was talking about the smallest normal number, and ignoring the existence of the subnormals. As you can see, the smallest of the subnormals is quite a bit smaller.

In this table we can also see why the exponent for the subnormals has to be -126, not -127. The subnormals are supposed to cover the range between the smallest normal and zero. With an exponent of -126, they do that uniformly and well. If the exponent for the subnormals were -127, on the other hand, the largest subnormal would be 0.9999998 × 2-127 = 5.877471053462205377e-39 or 0x1.fffffcE-32, which is already halfway down the slope to zero (so to speak), with the rest of the subnormals jammed in below that, leaving a "big" gap between 1.175e-38 and 5.877e-39. Wikipedia has a nice picture from the "subnormal number" page illustrating the way the subnormal numbers fill the gap near 0.

See also this question for more on how IEEE-754 floating-point values are constructed.

Footnote: Where I've used a notation like 0x1.fffffe in this answer, that's a base-16 fraction, which of course is not something your C compiler would accept. And then 0xf.fffffE+31 is hexadecimal scientific notation, where the exponent is a power of 16, and the E is not a hexadecimal digit that's part of the significand. This is sort of like the printf/scanf format %a, although %a uses p to mark its exponent, which is a power of 2.

  • That's a very good explanation of IEEE754. Commented Oct 18, 2023 at 19:43
  • 1
    For a normal significand like 0b1.10101010101010101010101 or 0b1.11111111111111111111111, there are 24 bits, but the leading bit (to the left of the .) is always 1, so it's not explicitly stored — it is "implicit" or "hidden". (Only the 23 bits to the right of the . are explicitly stored.). For a subnormal number like 0b0.10101010101010101010101 or 0b0.00000000000000000000000, again, only the 23 bits to the right of the . are stored. The exponent value explicitly tells you which form you're using. See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subnormal_number . Commented Jan 15 at 13:43
  • 1
    The minimum nonzero significand, which is among the subnormals, is 0b0.00000000000000000000001, or 0x0.000002 in hexadecimal. (That's confusing, too: maybe think of it as 0b0.000000000000000000000010. But only the 23 bits 00000000000000000000001 are stored, which as a raw 23-bit hexadecimal integer we'd express as 0x000001 .) Commented Jan 15 at 13:45
  • 1
    @IchigoKurosaki Excellent question. A subnormal number does not have full precision. For a normal, full-precision number, there are 24 bits of significance: 23 explicitly stored, plus 1 hidden bit. But for a subnormal number, there are between 0 and 23 bits of precision, all explicitly stored. 0b0.11111111111111111111111 and 0b0.10101010101010101010101 both have 23 bits. 0b0.00000000001111111111111 and 0b0.00000000001010101010101 have 13 bits. 0b0.00000000000000000000001 has 1 bit. 0b0.00000000000000000000000 has 0 bits. Commented Jan 17 at 15:51
  • 1
    The "significant portion" of a number is basically from the first nonzero bit/digit, to the last. Leading 0's don't count, and trailing 0's don't count. And when we say that a format provides "N bits of significance", we really mean "up to N bits". For example, the normalized significand 0b1.11111111111110000000000 only has 14 bits of significance (even though it has room for 10 more). Similarly, the nonnormalized significand 0b0.11111111111110000000000 has 13 bits of significance (and room for 10 more). Commented Jan 17 at 15:57

If you put all ones in exponent you will get NaN if mantissa is non-zero or infinite if mantissa is 0. Wikipedia IEEE 754. Also your minimal value is inside Denormal numbers space when exponent is binary equal to 0.


Although 8 bits exponent means -127 to +128 but two case is reserved for special values (See here), so the most negative exponent is -126.

BTW, it's impossible to store -128 in 8 bits in Two's Complement system which is the base system used in exponent of IEEE 754.

  • 4
    IEEE 754 does not use the two's complement system to store the exponent. (And I think you meant "8 bits" rather than "8 bytes".) Commented Apr 1, 2017 at 10:59
  • 2
    In the system that is actually used to store the exponent, they could have chosen any consecutive range of 254 exponent values (256 minus two special cases, all zeros and all ones). Commented Apr 1, 2017 at 13:16
  • @MarkDickinson: Yea, i meant bits. I've corrected it. IEEE754 use a biased two's complement so there isn't any negative number in first sight.
    – SuB
    Commented Apr 2, 2017 at 9:45
  • 3
    @SuB: Two's complement is not involved at all in the encoding of the IEEE 754 exponent. For normal numbers, the exponent is encoded with a simple bias: 127 for the binary32 format ("single precision"), 1023 for binary64 ("double precision"). "biased version of two's complement" makes little sense. Commented Apr 3, 2017 at 11:42
  • 2
    @SuB No, two's complement is not involved at all in the encoding of the IEEE 754.
    – Andrew
    Commented Aug 4, 2021 at 0:02

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