I have basically mounted a disk image and am required to analyse it by printing various bits of information to the terminal via a bash script.

I understand you can print your bash history by typing 'history' into the command line and hitting enter.

I need the result to be the same, however;

  1. it needs to be executed within a bash script
  2. it needs to be the bash history for the disk image, not my computer

Big thanks for all that help

  • 1
    You can look at .bash_history in the user's home dir in the disk image Apr 3, 2017 at 17:57
  • Thanks for your reply, I am unable to locate the .bash_history folder on the disk image file. Is there a command I can do to find it? Thanks Apr 3, 2017 at 18:00
  • 1
    Since it starts with a ., it's hidden by default. You can show hidden files with ls -a or search for it with find /yourpath -name '.bash_history' Apr 3, 2017 at 18:03
  • See my answer, did it work?
    – Montmons
    Apr 10, 2017 at 16:16

1 Answer 1


Ok, so basically you do this:

  1. Make sure the disk image is mounted
  2. Open up a terminal
  3. Change directory into the disk image using cd /path/to/your/disk_image
  4. Find the file that houses the BASH history (biggest chance it is a hidden file so list them all via find /path/to/your/disk_image -type f -iname ".*" -ls.
  5. You could (if you want) append its contents to the current in-memory history list via history -r /path/to/your/disk_image/.bash_history
  6. Create a BASH script and simply put VAR1=$(cat /path/to/your/disk_image/.bash_history) to save the contents of the file to your script so you can use it from within the BASH script.

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