So my understanding of this question is, do people actually use typescript for DOM manipulation? The answer, is yes, but not really.
At the time of writting this, typescript is popular in React, Angular, and other frameworks and libraries, but this points three downsides to using typescript for DOM manipulation, state management, build steps, and project.
First is state. When pulling state from the DB, you can make the assumption that the type of data will not change within the database (if it does, jesus christ, why?), and from there you can safely use a declerative approach within a modern JS framework to generate your HTML from the state that is controlled in your JS/TS.
With DOM manipulation, its more tricky, yes you can controll and view your HTML to have an awareness of the types that you will be pulling, and if you keep a certain strictness in design of your TS code and your HTML, you can avoid annoying gotchyas, and improve your code by being more strict and structured. You should also implement unit testing for local logic, and E2E and then we can all join hands and be happy. In pratice, deeling with getting your state from querySelectors, and being implementing a strict structure to manage that within typescript is tedius if the scope of your project is small, and if the scope of needed dynamic functionality is large, then you would probably want to use a framework, which isn't exactly DOM manipulation.
Imagine you are like 90% of web developers, you are hired to do create a popup in a wordpress site, and are being a payed a flat rate, you decide to use typescript and no framework, you setup a straight foward build process using gulp to transpile your typescript, all good. 2 months later your client comes back to you angry because they hired a new developer who is using a diferent OS than you and can't use your build process, oopsy!
If you are going to use a build process, you should probably only do it for large projects where typescript is really needed, if the project is really large and complex, you probably aren't going to be using just vanilla typescript though, you probably will be using a framework.
You can use typescript for DOM manipulation, but you can also just use JSdocs and call it a day, so thats why you don't see as much typescript being used for DOM manipulation.
I am aware this question was asked 7 years ago, and the landscape is diferent, but I think the above applies for the current development landscape.