I have a city node which houses many building nodes, each of these I wish to grant a new child-node. which tells the house what role and sign they have/role. Which can later be used for other functions. for now all get the same .mesh (will later make a sign) to identify which house is what. it shall be randomly assigned. If I try to run this I get the following error. I am very new to ogre , which adds to some weird code

error when trying to launch

int CityManager::assignBuildingRole(Ogre::SceneNode * _cityNode, int _numberOfBuildings)
    std::stringstream nodename("buildingRoleNode");
    Ogre::SceneNode::ChildNodeIterator cNode = _cityNode->getChildIterator();
    std::vector <Ogre::SceneNode*> detachable;
    while (cNode.hasMoreElements()) {
        detachable.push_back((Ogre::SceneNode *)cNode.getNext());
        for (int i = 0; i < detachable.size(); i++) {
            nodename << childIteration << "_" << parentIteration << "_" << i;
            switch (rand() % 5) // assign building random proffessions by giving them a rolenode
            case 0:
                _roleNode = ( Ogre::SceneNode *)cNode.getNext()->createChild(nodename.str());
                _signEntity = manager->createEntity("Barrel.mesh");
            case 1:
                _roleNode = (Ogre::SceneNode *)cNode.getNext()->createChild(nodename.str());
                _signEntity = manager->createEntity("Barrel.mesh");
            case 2:
                _roleNode = (Ogre::SceneNode *)cNode.getNext()->createChild(nodename.str());
                _signEntity = manager->createEntity("Barrel.mesh");
            case 3:
                _roleNode = (Ogre::SceneNode *)cNode.getNext()->createChild(nodename.str());
                _signEntity = manager->createEntity("Barrel.mesh");
            case 4:
                _roleNode = (Ogre::SceneNode *)cNode.getNext()->createChild(nodename.str());
                _signEntity = manager->createEntity("Barrel.mesh");

    return role;
  • 1
    getNext not only retrieves the next child node, but advances the iterator, too. see its docs. changing them to peekNextValue may solve your problem
    – pergy
    Apr 7, 2017 at 11:27
  • Also, see the comment here: "Note that the returned iterator is only valid whilst no children are added or removed from this node", witch is the same behaviour as for any stl iterator
    – pergy
    Apr 7, 2017 at 11:30
  • Does this mean I cannot iterate through my childnodes of cityNode to add extra nodes this way? or will peekNextValue resolve this issue? Apr 7, 2017 at 11:32
  • 1
    why don't you iterate through detachable? just calling detachable[i]->createChild
    – pergy
    Apr 7, 2017 at 11:35
  • 1
    i'll formulate an answer
    – pergy
    Apr 7, 2017 at 11:50

1 Answer 1


Calling getNext on ChildNodeIterator will not only retrieve the next element but advance to the next element, too. See its description in documentation

So what you do is iterating over the children of _cityNode and store every child in your detachable vector.

while (cNode.hasMoreElements()) {
  detachable.push_back((Ogre::SceneNode *)cNode.getNext());

After these lines your cNode points to end of children list (specifically after the last element, as end() in std::map which is the underlying data type)

If you are trying to iterate it further you'll get an error.

You can either use detachable for the next iteration (I guess that's why you created it)

_roleNode = detachable[i]->createChild(nodename.str());

or do the child creation in your while loop and don't use detachable at all.

while (cNode.hasMoreElements()) {
  Ogre::SceneNode* curr = (Ogre::SceneNode *)cNode.getNext();
  switch (rand() % 5)
  case 0:
    _roleNode = curr->createChild(nodename.str());
    _signEntity = manager->createEntity("Barrel.mesh");
  /* ... */

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