babel-preset-env offers the option useBuiltIns to apply it to babel-polyfill and transform import 'babel-polyfill' to specific, environment-based, import 'core-js/whatever.

Is this transformation applied if I add babel-polyfill in my Webpack entry section (see example below), or in that case useBuiltIns is ignored and replaced by all possible imports?

entry: {
  app: ['babel-polyfill', './src/app.js']

1 Answer 1


It works when you are specifing:

"presets": [ ..., "env" ]

It doesn't related to the entry point as your ./src/app.js already includes some code with requirements, I guess. I just don't understand what do you want to achieve by adding babel-polyfill to the entry point, but seems it no effect in this case.

I'll try to elaborate how it works. There is a babel-preset-env plugin which prepares the list of transformation plugins and polyfills. This list is used by transform-polyfill-require-plugin which look for import and require statements and replaces it by list of environment-specific modules.

It doesn't related to the entry point at all. By adding the babel-polyfill you just add it's code into your bundle. So the transform-polyfill-require-plugin doesn't work there anyhow. It's possible to check it via a simple debugging.

And you don't need it really. You can just add require("babel-polyfill"); once in your app as it's noticed in the docs. You even can't import babel-polyfill twice as it might cause an error as it writes down itself into the global and has a check for the collision.

  • My question is, specifically, if useBuiltIns is applied if instead of imports I add babel-polyfill to my entry point in Webpack: babeljs.io/docs/usage/polyfill
    – Alf
    Apr 25, 2017 at 22:13
  • Try to understand the answer before voting down. You may ask if it's not clear. I've expanded the answer to explain more precisely. Apr 25, 2017 at 23:15
  • I voted down because This answer is not useful (as per Stack Overflow guidelines). The problem with your original answer is that you’re explaining why you don’t need to have babel-polyfill in the entry point if you have either require("babel-polyfill"); or import "babel-polyfill";. The incorrect assumption that I probably wasn’t explicit about is that my ./src/app.js already includes some code with requirements. Thank you for clarifying in your third paragraph. So the answer is that they’re different and probably using babel-polyfill in the entry point is worse.
    – Alf
    Apr 26, 2017 at 11:07
  • I concluded it is worse because it makes the bundle bigger. However, from a software engineering point of view, I think it’s cleaner to have polyfills in Webpack instead of in your app code. Maybe there’s no best option, as each one has its pros and cons.
    – Alf
    Apr 26, 2017 at 11:10

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