i need to show to user his profile image that i load from google cloud storage, the problem is that when i change the picture an upload it to the server, and i refresh the page i still see the old image. I tried with the ios version of the app and it instantly refreshed so it's not a problem with the server.

To load the image i use Picasso and i do like this:


I noticed that when i uninstall the app and then install it again it refresh the image so i guess it's a problem with caching. Can anyone help? Thank you.


2 Answers 2


Before loading the image try invalidating it:


EDIT: Have you tried:

    .memoryPolicy(MemoryPolicy.NO_CACHE, MemoryPolicy.NO_STORE)

Acutally I think the issue is since you are not using a local image, its using the network to cache it.

If the above doesn't work try this:

  • Hi @Derek Baxter thank you it was the networkPolicy, now it work.
    – Muni
    Commented Apr 7, 2017 at 21:57

i figured out how to solve this. I had to add the networkPolicy like this:


Now it works, thank you all.

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