I am trying to find the Api Key for Telegram but I cannot find it. Where do I find it on the website? If I use the Api Id, I get the error Incorrect Token Format in the C# Console Application.


4 Answers 4


Like ihoru mentioned in his answer, you can find all of your bots relevant information in BotFather.

So navigate to @BotFather in Telegram. If you have not yet created a bot do so by entering /newbotand follow the instructions on screen. You should get your key at the end of the process.

But now let's assume you already have a bot and can't find the key anymore. Again, go to @BotFather but this time enter /mybots. You should see something like this:

Image of /mybots result in telegram

Click/Touch whatever bot you would like your API key for, then you should see this:

telegram botfather showing API key button

Click the API Key button and tadaa there is your key:

botfather displaying api key


You mean Telegram API for create a telegram application using C#, not Telegram Bot API, right? to get API key. Please see the step by step below or for detail information you can see this link

  1. Sign up for Telegram using any application.
  2. Log in to your Telegram core: https://my.telegram.org.
  3. Go to ‘API development tools’ and fill out the form.
  4. You will get basic addresses as well as the api_id and api_hash parameters required for user authorization.
  5. For the moment each number can only have one api_id connected to it.

But if you need API for Telegram Bot, You can check the API your bot using BotFather. for detail, you can check on this link

I hope this is useful for you.


In special official bot: https://telegram.me/BotFather

Additional information on official Telegram FAQ page: https://core.telegram.org/bots/faq#how-do-i-create-a-bot

  • It tells me the address wasn't understood when I open BotFather. Commented Apr 8, 2017 at 22:02
  • @SvenRonnlund you can try to find \@BotFather manually in Telegram
    – ihoru
    Commented Apr 10, 2017 at 2:01

Are you asking for finding bot's token ? or are looking for telegram client api code ?

@BotFather , gives you the token of each bot you made.

for getting api token for making client , you must make developer account for telegram. it can be you personal account for telegram .

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