A more advanced form of template literals are Tagged templates. - MDN
const escape = s => `${s}`.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
const regex = ({ // (1)
raw: [part, ...parts]
}, ...subs) => new RegExp(
subs.reduce( // (2)
(result, sub, i) => `${result}${escape(sub)}${parts[i]}`,
const t1 = `d`;
const r1 = regex `^ab(c${t1}e)`; // (3)
// /^ab(cde)/
console.log('r2.test(`abc${t1}e`); ➜', r1.test(`abc${t1}e`)); // true
// Check for proper escaped special chars
const t2 = `(:?bar)\d{2}`;
const r2 = regex `foo${t2}`;
// /foo\(:\?bar\)d\{2\}/ ➜ t2 is escaped!
console.log('r2.test(`foo${t2}`); ➜', r2.test(`foo${t2}`)); // true
console.log('r2.test(`foo\(:\?bar\)d\{2\}`); ➜', r2.test(`foo\(:\?bar\)d\{2\}`)); // true
console.log('r2.test(`foobar11`); ➜', r2.test(`foobar11`)); // false
How it works:
Define a "tag function" (name does not matter) e.g. regex()
to build our regular expression (return new RegExp()
) from a template literal string.
Hint: Tag functions don't even need to return a string!
First param parts
is a string[]
(segments between injected vars).
➜ ['a', 'bc', 'de'] = parts
Hint: The special raw
property, available on the first argument to the tag function, allows you to access the raw strings as they were entered, without processing escape sequences.
This is what we need! We can destructure the first param, and split out the first part
of parts
. This is our first regExp result
are substitution values from injected vars:
➜ ['x', 'y']
Loop over ...subs
and concatenate regex string:
special chars from current stubs[i]
(which would break the final expression).
- Append escaped
and add parts[i]
in between.
Prefix a template literal string, with regex `...`
and a new RegExp
is returned:
const r1 = regex `^ab(c${t1}e)`
➜ /^ab(cde)/
Conditional escape
So far, regex()
handles all template vars ..${..}..${..}..
as strings. (invoke .toString()
regex `X${new Date()}X` // /X7\.12\.2020X/
regex `X${{}}X` // /X\[object Object\]X/
regex `X${[1, 'b', () => 'c']}X` // /X1,b,\(\) => 'c'X/
Even though this is the intended behavior, we can not use it in all places.
How to concat regular expressions in "tagged templates?
Use case: You want a 'RegExp factory class' to build more complex expressions from smaller pieces.
E.g. a RegExp to parse/validate Content-Type
header values for javascript-like MIME types. syntax: media-type = type "/" subtype
This is what we want to find:
, application/javascript
, application/ecmascript
, text/javascript
, text/ecmascript
const group = (name, regExp) => regex`(?<${name}>${regExp})`;
const rTypeGroup = group(`type`, `(text|application|\*)+?`);
// /(?<type>\(text\|application\|\*\)\+\?)/
const rSubGroup = group(`sub`, `((java|ecma)+?script|\*)+?`);
// /(?<sub>\(\(java\|ecma\)\+\?script\|\*\)\+\?)/
// .. and test
rTypeGroup.test(`application`); // false !!!
rTypeGroup.test(`\(text\|application\|\*\)\+\?`); // true !!!
Since regex()
escapes all substitutions, the bodies of our capture groups matche literally. We can modify regex()
and skip escape()
for some types. Now we can pass RegEx instances and skip escape()
const escape = s => `${s}`.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
const regex = ({
raw: [part, ...parts]
}, ...subs) => new RegExp( // skip escape()
subs.reduce( // ┏━━━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━━━┓
(result, sub, i) => `${result}${sub instanceof RegExp ? sub.source : escape(sub)}${parts[i]}`,
const group = (name, regExp) => regex `(?<${name}>${regExp})`;
// RegEx
// ┏━━━━━━━━━━━┻━━━━━━━━━━━┓
const rTypeGroup = group(`type`, /(text|application|\*)+?/); // /(?<type>(text|application|\*)+?)/
const rSubGroup = group(`sub`, /((java|ecma)+?script|\*)+?/); // /(?<sub>((java|ecma)+?script|\*)+?)/
// Type
console.log('rTypeGroup.test(`*`); ➜', rTypeGroup.test(`*`)); // true
console.log('rTypeGroup.test(`text`); ➜', rTypeGroup.test(`text`)); // true
console.log('rTypeGroup.exec(`*`).groups.type; ➜', rTypeGroup.exec(`*`).groups.type); // '*'
console.log('rTypeGroup.exec(`text`).groups.type; ➜', rTypeGroup.exec(`text`).groups.type); // 'text'
// SubType
console.log('rSubGroup.test(`*`); ➜', rSubGroup.test(`*`)); // true
console.log('rSubGroup.test(`javascript`); ➜', rSubGroup.test(`javascript`)); // true
console.log('rSubGroup.test(`ecmascript`); ➜', rSubGroup.test(`ecmascript`)); // true
console.log('rSubGroup.exec(`*`).groups.sub; ➜', rSubGroup.exec(`*`).groups.sub); // '*'
console.log('rSubGroup.exec(`javascript`).groups.sub; ➜', rSubGroup.exec(`javascript`).groups.sub); // 'javascript'
We can now decide whether a var should be escaped, or not. Since we have ignored any quantifiers and flags, our groups also validate ABCtextDEF
, 12texttext
,... .
Now we can bundle multiple RegEx:
// '/' would be escaped! RegEx needed..
// ┏━┻━┓
const rMediaTypeGroup = group(`mediaType`, regex `${rTypeGroup}${/\//}${rSubGroup}`);
// /(?<mediaType>(?<type>(text|application|\*)+?)\/(?<sub>((java|ecma)+?script|\*)+?))/
rMediaTypeGroup.test(`text/javascript`)); // true
const escape = s => `${s}`.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
const regex = ({
raw: [part, ...parts]
}, ...subs) => new RegExp(
(result, sub, i) => `${result}${sub instanceof RegExp ? sub.source : escape(sub)}${parts[i]}`,
const group = (name, regExp) => regex `(?<${name}>${regExp})`;
const rTypeGroup = group(`type`, /(text|application|\*)+?/);
const rSubGroup = group(`sub`, /((java|ecma)+?script|\*)+?/);
// '/' would be escaped! RegEx needed..
// ┏━┻━┓
const rMediaTypeGroup = group(`mediaType`, regex `${rTypeGroup}${/\//}${rSubGroup}`);
// /(?<mediaType>(?<type>(text|application|\*)+?)\/(?<sub>((java|ecma)+?script|\*)+?))/
console.log('rMediaTypeGroup.test(`*/*`); ➜', rMediaTypeGroup.test(`*/*`)); // true
console.log('rMediaTypeGroup.test(`**/**`); ➜', rMediaTypeGroup.test(`**/**`)); // true
console.log('rMediaTypeGroup.test(`text/javascript`); ➜', rMediaTypeGroup.test(`text/javascript`)); // true
console.log('rMediaTypeGroup.test(`1text/javascriptX`); ➜', rMediaTypeGroup.test(`1text/javascriptX`)); // true
console.log('rMediaTypeGroup.test(`*/java`); ➜', rMediaTypeGroup.test(`*/java`)); // true
console.log('rMediaTypeGroup.test(`text/X`); ➜', rMediaTypeGroup.test(`text/X`)); // false
console.log('rMediaTypeGroup.test(`/*`); ➜', rMediaTypeGroup.test(`/*`)); // false
All flags must be known before initialization. You can read them (/xx/gm.flags
, /xx/gm.multiline
, /xx/i.ignoreCase
,..) but there are no setters.
A tagged template function (e.g. regex()
) returning new Regex()
needs to know all flags.
This section demonstrates 3 alternatives of how to handle flags.
- Option A: Pass flags as
➜ Not recommendet!
- Option B: Extend
class RegExp
- Option C: Use
for flags
Option A: Pass flags as ${templateVariable}
. ➜ Not recommendet!
Thread flags like other substitution vars. We need to check if last variable is flag-like (g
, mi
,..) and split it away from subs
const escape = s => `${s}`.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
const regex = ({
raw: [part, ...parts],
// super verbose...
splitFlags = ({ // destruct subs[] Array (arrays are objects!)
length: l, // destruct subs[].length to l
iEnd = l - 1, // last array index to iEnd
[iEnd]: sub, // subs[subs.length - i] to sub
...subs // subs[0...n-1] to subs
}) => [ // returns RegEx() constr. params: [flags, concat regex string]
// ┏━━━━━━━━ all chars of sub flag-like? ━━━━━━━━━┓ ┏━ flags ┏━ re-add last sub and set flags: undefined
[...sub].every(f => ['s', 'g', 'i', 'm', 'y', 'u'].includes(f)) ? sub : !(subs[iEnd] = sub) || undefined,
Object.values(subs).reduce( // concat regex string
(result, sub, i) => `${result}${escape(sub)}${parts[i]}`,
}, ...subs) => new RegExp(...splitFlags(subs).reverse());
const r1 = regex `^foo(${`bar`})${'i'}`;
console.log('r1:', r1, 'flags:', r1.flags); // /^foo(bar)/i ['i' flag]
const r2 = regex `^foo(${`bar`})${'mgi'}`;
console.log('r2:', r2, 'flags:', r2.flags); // /^foo(bar)/gim ['gim' flag]
// invalid flag 'x' ━━━━┓
const r3 = regex `^foo(${`bar`})${'x'}`;
console.log('r3:', r3, 'flags:', r3.flags); // /^foo(bar)x/ [no flags]
// invalid flag 'z' ━━━━┓
const r4 = regex `^foo(${`bar`})${'gyzu'}`;
console.log('r4:', r4, 'flags:', r4.flags); // /^foo(bar)gyzu/ [no flags]
Code looks super verbose and mixing up flag-logic and substitution-logic is not obvious from outside. It will also break the final regex if last variable is falsely determine as flag-like.
We look for phone types, like i-phone
, a-phone
const rPhoneA = regex `${`a`}-phone`; //
console.log('rPhoneA:', rPhoneA, 'flags:', rPhoneA.flags); // /a-phone/ [no flags]
const rPhoneI = regex `${`i`}-phone`;
console.log('rPhoneI:', rPhoneI, 'flags:', rPhoneI.flags); // /(?:)/i ['i' flag]
console.log('rPhoneA.test(`a-phone`); ➜', rPhoneA.test(`a-phone`)); // true
console.log('rPhoneA.test(`i-phone`); ➜', rPhoneA.test(`i-phone`)); // false
console.log('rPhoneI.test(`a-phone`); ➜', rPhoneI.test(`a-phone`)); // true
console.log('rPhoneI.test(`i-phone`); ➜', rPhoneI.test(`i-phone`)); // true
... all phones are i-phones
! Because i
is a flag-like substituion and is removed from subs...
array which is now empty []
. reduce()
returns an empty string ''
and new RegExp('', 'i')
adds an empty non-capture group: (?:)
Option B: Extend class RegExp
We can extend from RegExp
and add getter methods to set flags. Make them self-returning so we can chain them. We can even add a _
"clear flags" method.
This works nice, but also has the effect, that each flag added/removed, results in a new clone of TRegExp
. If we build "static" (cachable) expressions it is probably OK for you.
- A: Add getters in the constructor inside a loop. Or..
- B: Add class getters
const escape = s => `${s}`.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
class TRegExp extends RegExp {
constructor(...args) {
// Clear all flags
Object.defineProperty(this, '_', {
get() {
return this.flags.length ? new TRegExp(this.source) : this;
enumerable: false
// A: define getters for all flags
['g', 'i', 'm', 'u', 'y'].reduce((my, flag) => Object.defineProperty(my, flag, {
get() { // clone this on flags change ━━┓
return my.flags.includes(flag) ? my : new TRegExp(my.source, `${my.flags}${flag}`);
}, // return this ━━┛
enumerable: false
}), this);
// B: Define getters for each flag individually
// get g() {
// return this.flags.includes('g') ? this : new TRegExp(this.source, `${this.flags}g`);
// }
const regex = ({raw: [part, ...parts]}, ...subs) => new TRegExp(
subs.reduce( // ┣━━ TRegExp()
(result, sub, i) => `${result}${subs instanceof TRegExp ? sub.source : escape(sub)}${parts[i]}`,
console.log('TRegExp +flags:', regex `foo(bar)`.g); // /foo(bar)/g
console.log('TRegExp +flags:', regex `foo(bar)`.i.m); // /foo(bar)/im
console.log('TRegExp +flags:', regex `foo(bar)`.g.i._.y); // /foo(bar)/y
// ┗━━━━━┻━━━━ ( + 'g', + 'i', - 'gi', + 'y')
const group = regex `(?<foo>(:?bar)\d{2})`.g.i;
const t = `a bar12 bar0 bar13 bar-99 xyz BaR14 bar15 abc`;
console.log([...t.matchAll(group)].map(m => m.groups.foo));
// ["bar12", "bar13", "BaR14", "bar15"]
Option C: Use Proxy()
for flags
You can proxy a "tagged template function" e.g. regex()
and intercept any get()
on it. Proxies can solve many problems but can also lead to great confusion. You can re-write the entire function and completely change the initial behavior.
const escape = s => `${s}`.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&");
const _regex = (flags, {raw: [part, ...parts]}, ...subs) => new RegExp(
(result, sub, i) => `${result}${sub instanceof RegExp ? sub.source : escape(sub)}${parts[i]}`,
); // ┗━━━ flags
const regex = new Proxy(_regex.bind(undefined, ''), {
get: (target, property) => _regex.bind(undefined, property)
console.log('Proxy +flags:', regex.gi `foo(bar)`); // /foo(bar)/gi
const r = /(:?bar)\d{2}/; // matches: 'bar' + digit + digit ➜ 'bar12', 'abar123',..
const t = `(:?bar)\d{2}`; // template literal with regExp special chars
console.log('Proxy +flags:', regex.gi `(foo${r})`); // /(foo(:?bar)\d{2})/gi
console.log('Proxy +flags:', regex.gi `(foo${t})`); // /(foo\(:\?bar\)d\{2\})/gi
// flags ━┻━┛
More to read