A macro solution for virtual terminal code usage for windows 10 users
For windows 10 users, it is the fastest method outside of using VT sequences directly while of being more readable.
::: Author T3RRY : Created 09/04/2021 : Version 1.0.7
::: Version changes:
::: - ADDED /A switch to allow absolute Y;X value to be supplied as a single switch subarg
::: - ADDED /@ switch to allow saving of cursor position. Subarg allows custom return var to store multiple positions.
::: - ADDED random subarg for /C color switch.
::: - ADDED optional companion switch to /C - '/B'
::: - When /C random subarg is used, /B may be used with any ONE of the following: R G B C M Y
::: to bias the output color towards Red Green Blue Cyan Magenta or Yellow
::: - ADDED support for switches with common prefix.
::: - ADDED /T timeout switch for subsecond delays
::: - CORRECTED Switch validation method to handle Switches at EOL with no subargs
::: - ADDED /E Switch to allow /C value to be preserved or Color to be changed at EOL with an integer subarg.
::: - Support REMOVED for switch usage pattern /Switch:value
::: Purpose : Color and cursor position macro for windows 10 batch files
::: - Allows rapid display of colored output at specified screen position.
::: For more information, read the usage.
::: Uses macro parameter and switch handling template.
::: - See : https://pastebin.com/gzL7AYpC
@Echo off
:# Windows Version control. Assigns flag true if system is windows 10.
Set "Win10="
Ver | Findstr /LIC:" 10." > nul && Set "Win10=true"
:# Test if virtual terminal codes enabled ; enable if false
:# removes win10 flag definition if version does not support Virtual Terminal sequences
If defined Win10 (
Reg Query HKCU\Console | %SystemRoot%\System32\findstr.exe /LIC:"VirtualTerminalLevel REG_DWORD 0x1" > nul || (
Reg Add HKCU\Console /f /v VirtualTerminalLevel /t REG_DWORD /d 1
) > Nul || Set "Win10="
If not defined Win10 (
Echo(Virtual terminal sequences not supported on your system
Exit /B 1
If "%~1" == "" (
Mode 200,150
:# /@ Switch requires clean working driectory to execute in.
RD "%TEMP%\%~n0_Run" 2> nul && Timeout 1 > nul
MD "%TEMP%\%~n0_Run"
(Set \n=^^^
%= \n macro newline variable. Do not modify =%)
:# assign virtual terminal control character 0x27 'escape' variable \E
For /F %%a in ( 'Echo prompt $E ^| cmd' )Do Set "\E=%%a"
::# usage: %$Cout% [/?] | [/Alt | /Main] [/H [-|+]] [/T Int] [/X Int | /L Int | /R Int]
::# [/Y Int | /U Int | /D Int] [/K |/Del Int | /I Int] [/N] [/@ {Optional:ReturnVar}]
::# [/C Int | /C Int,Int | /C Int;Int | /C random] [/S "String"] [/E {Optional:0|Int}]
::# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::# Available Switches : Description:
::# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
::# /? : This help screen
::# /S String : String to be output. Tested for strings of 500 characters.
::# /S String{Substituion} : The following characters must be substituted for output:
::# /S ^!Variable:/={FS}^! : {AS}:* {DQ}:" {FS}:/ {EQ}:=
::# /C Integer : Declare output color using VT sequence
::# /C Integer,Integer : Chain mulitple VT color sequences
::# /C Integer;Integer : Combine multiple VT values into the one sequence
::# /C random : Random RGB foreground color
::# /B R|G|B|C|M|Y : Bias /C random color toward Red Green Blue
::# : Cyan Magenta or Yellow. /C random must be used.
::# /E : Preserves /C Color value until /E 0 is used. /C must be used.
::# /E 0 : Restores color to Black BG White FG after string output.
::# /E Integer : Change color after string output to supplied value.
::# /A Integer;Integer : Move cursor to Line;Column [ absolute ]
::# /Y Integer : Move cursor to Line Integer [ absolute Y ]
::# /X Integer : Move cursor to Column Integer [ absolute X ]
::# /U Integer : Move cursor Up by Integer
::# /D Integer : Move cursor Down by Integer
::# /R Integer : Move cursor Right by Integer
::# /L Integer : Move cursor Left by Integer
::# /H - : Hide the cursor : Note - If Cursor state is changed during a code block
::# redirected to a file, it cannot be changed again except within a code block.
::# /H + : Show the cursor
::# /Alt : Switch to alternate buffer [ main buffer is preserved ]
::# /Main : Return to main screen buffer [ alternate buffer is cleared ]
::# /K : Clears text to right of current cursor position
::# /Del Integer : Deletes Integer columns right of the cursor, shifting existing text left
::# /I Integer : Inserts whitespace into Integer columns right of Cursor, shifting text right
::# /N : Output a newline after other switches are executed.
::# /T Integer : Subsecond Delay after output. 25000 = ~1 Second [ Depending on clockspeed ]
::# /@ : Stores cursor position after execution in variables: $Cout{Y} , $Cout{X}
::# : and $Cout{pos} ( VT format 'IntY;IntX' )
::# /@ String-ReturnVar : Return values to ReturnVar{pos} ReturnVar{Y} ReturnVar{X}
::# *!* : This switch MUST NOT be used during codeblocks that redirect output
::# : Slow execution time. ~ 17x slower than typical $Cout expansion
::# : 12/100th's vs 0.7/100th's of a second [with a clockspeed of 2904]
::# Notes:
::# - $Cout Macro does not support Concatenation of Expansions.
::# - No error validation is performed on switch Integer subargs. Invalid Virtual Terminal sequences
::# will be disregarded and output as a string.
::# Virtual Terminal sequence resource:
::# https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/console/console-virtual-terminal-sequences
::# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set $Cout_Switches="A" "Y" "X" "U" "D" "R" "L" "H" "Alt" "Main" "K" "Del" "I" "N" "T" "B" "C" "E" "S" "@"
Set $Cout=For %%n in (1 2)Do if %%n==2 (%\n%
For %%G in ( %$Cout_Switches% )Do Set "$Cout_Switch[%%~G]="%\n%
Set "$Cout_leading.args=!$Cout_args:*/=!"%\n%
For /F "Delims=" %%G in ("!$Cout_leading.args!")Do Set "$Cout_leading.args=!$Cout_args:/%%G=!"%\n%
Set ^"$Cout_args=!$Cout_args:"=!"%\n%
Set "$Cout_i.arg=0"%\n%
For %%G in (!$Cout_leading.args!)Do (%\n%
Set /A "$Cout_i.arg+=1"%\n%
Set "$Cout_arg[!$Cout_i.arg!]=%%~G"%\n%
If "!$Cout_Args:~-2,1!" == "/" (%\n%
Set "$Cout_Switch[!$Cout_Args:~-1!]=true"%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Args:/?=!." == "!$Cout_Args!." Set "$Cout_Switch[help]=true"%\n%
Set "$Cout_Args=!$Cout_Args:~0,-2!"%\n%
For %%G in ( %$Cout_Switches% )Do If not "!$Cout_args:/%%~G =!" == "!$Cout_args!" (%\n%
Set "$Cout_Switch[%%~G]=!$Cout_Args:*/%%~G =!"%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]:*/=!" == "!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]!" (%\n%
Set "$Cout_Trail[%%~G]=!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]:*/=!"%\n%
For %%v in ("!$Cout_Trail[%%~G]!")Do (%\n%
Set "$Cout_Switch[%%~G]=!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]: /%%~v=!"%\n%
Set "$Cout_Switch[%%~G]=!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]:/%%~v=!"%\n%
Set "$Cout_Trail[%%~G]="%\n%
If "!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]:~-1!" == " " Set "$Cout_Switch[%%~G]=!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]:~0,-1!"%\n%
If "!$Cout_Switch[%%~G]!" == "" Set "$Cout_Switch[%%~G]=true"%\n%
If /I "!$Cout_Switch[C]!" == "random" (%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "" (Set "$Cout_MOD=100")Else Set "$Cout_MOD=200"%\n%
Set /A "$Cout_RR=!random! %% !$Cout_MOD! + 50,$Cout_GG=!random! %% !$Cout_MOD! + 50,$Cout_BB=!random! %% !$Cout_MOD! + 50"%\n%
If /I "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "R" Set "$Cout_RR=250"%\n%
If /I "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "G" Set "$Cout_GG=250"%\n%
If /I "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "B" Set "$Cout_BB=250"%\n%
If /I "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "M" Set /A "$Cout_RR=!Random! %% 50 + 200,Cout_GG=0,$Cout_BB=!Random! %% 50 + 200"%\n%
If /I "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "Y" Set /A "$Cout_RR=!Random! %% 90 + 100,Cout_GG=!Random! %% 90 + 90,$Cout_BB=0"%\n%
If /I "!$Cout_Switch[B]!" == "C" Set /A "$Cout_RR=0,Cout_GG=!Random! %% 120 + 30,$Cout_BB=175"%\n%
Set "$Cout_Switch[C]=38;2;!$Cout_RR!;!$Cout_GG!;!$Cout_BB!"%\n%
If "!$Cout_Switch[help]!" == "true" ((For /F "Tokens=1,2 Delims=#" %%Y in ('findstr /BLIC:"::#" "%~f0"')Do @Echo(%%Z)^| @More)%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[C]!" == "" (Set "$Cout_Color=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[C]:,=m%\E%[!m")Else Set "$Cout_Color="%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[Y]!" == "" (Set "$Cout_Ypos=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[Y]!d")Else Set "$Cout_Ypos="%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[X]!" == "" (Set "$Cout_Xpos=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[X]!G")Else Set "$Cout_Xpos="%\n%
For %%d in (U D L R)Do if not "!$Cout_Switch[%%d]!" == "" (Set /A "$Cout_Switch[%%d]=!$Cout_Switch[%%d]!")%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[U]!" == "" (Set "$Cout_Yoffset=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[U]!A")Else Set "$Cout_Yoffset="%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[D]!" == "" Set "$Cout_Yoffset=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[D]!B"%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[R]!" == "" (Set "$Cout_Xoffset=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[R]!C")Else Set "$Cout_Xoffset="%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[L]!" == "" Set "$Cout_Xoffset=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[L]!D"%\n%
If "!$Cout_Switch[H]!" == "-" Set "$Cout_Cursor=%\E%[?25l"%\n%
If "!$Cout_Switch[H]!" == "+" Set "$Cout_Cursor=%\E%[?25h"%\n%
If "!$Cout_Switch[Main]!" == "true" (Set "$Cout_Buffer=%\E%[?1049l")Else Set "$Cout_Buffer="%\n%
If "!$Cout_Switch[Alt]!" == "true" Set "$Cout_Buffer=%\E%[?1049h"%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[A]!" == "" (Set "$Cout_Absolutepos=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[A]!H")Else Set "$Cout_Absolutepos="%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[K]!" == "" (Set "$Cout_LineClear=%\E%[K")Else Set "$Cout_LineClear="%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[Del]!" == "" (Set "$Cout_Delete=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[Del]!P")Else Set "$Cout_Delete="%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[I]!" == "" (Set "$Cout_Insert=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[I]!@")Else Set "$Cout_Insert="%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[S]!" == "" (%\n%
Set "$Cout_String=!$Cout_Switch[S]:{FS}=/!"%\n%
Set "$Cout_String=!$Cout_String:{EQ}==!"%\n%
Set "$Cout_String=!$Cout_String:{AS}=*!"%\n%
Set ^"$Cout_String=!$Cout_String:{DQ}="!"%\n%
)Else (Set "$Cout_String=")%\n%
If "!$Cout_Switch[E]!" == "true" (Set "$Cout_EOLC=!$Cout_Color!")%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[E]!" == "" (Set "$Cout_EOLC=%\E%[!$Cout_Switch[E]!m")%\n%
If "!$Cout_EOLC!" == "" (Set "$Cout_EOLC=%\E%[0m")%\n%
^< nul set /P "=!$Cout_Buffer!!$Cout_Cursor!!$Cout_Absolutepos!!$Cout_Ypos!!$Cout_YOffset!!$Cout_Xpos!!$Cout_XOffset!!$Cout_Delete!!$Cout_Insert!!$Cout_Color!!$Cout_LineClear!!$Cout_String!!$COUT_EOLC!"%\n%
If "!$Cout_Switch[N]!" == "true" Echo(%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[T]!" == "" (For /L %%T in (1 1 !$Cout_Switch[T]!)Do (Call )%= Delay resetting Errorlevel to 0 =%)%\n%
If "!$Cout_Switch[help]!" == "true" Pause%\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[@]!" == "" (%\n%
PUSHD "%TEMP%\%~n0_Run"%\n%
Set "$Cout{pos}=" ^&Set "$Cout[Char]="%\n%
For /L %%l in (2 1 12)Do (%\n%
If not "!$Cout[Char]!" == "R" (%\n%
^<nul set /p "=%\E%[6n" %\n%
FOR /L %%z in (1 1 %%l) DO pause ^< CON ^> NUL%\n%
Set "$Cout[Char]=;"%\n%
for /F "tokens=1 skip=1 delims=*" %%C in ('"REPLACE /W ? . < con"') DO (Set "$Cout[Char]=%%C")%\n%
If "!$Cout{pos}!" == "" (Set "$Cout{pos}=!$Cout[Char]!")Else (set "$Cout{pos}=!$Cout{pos}!!$Cout[Char]:R=!")%\n%
For /F "tokens=1,2 Delims=;" %%X in ("!$Cout{pos}!")Do Set "$Cout{Y}=%%X" ^& Set "$Cout{X}=%%Y" %\n%
If not "!$Cout_Switch[@]!" == "true" (%\n%
Set "{Pos}!$Cout_Switch[@]!=!$Cout{pos}!"%\n%
Set /A "{Y}!$Cout_Switch[@]!=$Cout{Y},{X}!$Cout_Switch[@]!=$Cout{X}"%\n%
POPD "%TEMP%\%~n0_Run"%\n%
) Else Set $Cout_args=
:# enable macro
Setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
:# facilitate testing of the macro using parameters from the command line; or Call %~n0.bat /? to see help.
if not "%~1" == "" (
%$Cout% %*
Exit /B !Errorlevel!
:# usage example Ascii art ; Bird with animation
:# ensures Y;X axis at screen home
%$Cout% /A 1;1
%$Cout% /H - /C 1,33 /S " , .-;" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S " , |\ {FS} {FS} __," /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S " |\ '.`-.| |.'.-'" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S " \`'-: `; : {FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S " `-._'. \'|" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S " ,_.-` ` ` ~,_" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S " '--,. "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S ".-. "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S ",{EQ}{DQ}{EQ}." /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S " {FS} "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "{ "
%$Cout% /C 1,36 /S "} "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S ")"
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "`"
%$Cout% /C 33 /S ";-."
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "}" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S " | "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "'-' "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "{FS}__ |" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S " {FS} "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "\_,\|" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S " | (" /N
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S " "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "__ "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "{FS} ' \" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " {FS}\_ "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "{FS},'`"
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "| ' "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S ".-~^~~-." /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " |`.\_ "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "| "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "{FS} ' , "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "{FS} \" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " _{FS} `, \"
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "| "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "; , . "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "| , ' . |" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " \ `, "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "| "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "| , , "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "| : ; : |" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " _\ `, "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "\ "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "|. , "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "| | | | |" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " \` `. "
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "\ "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "| ' "
%$Cout% /C 1,32 /S "|"
%$Cout% /C 31 /S "\_|-'|_,'\|" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " _\ `, "
%$Cout% /C 1,32 /S "`"
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "\ ' . ' "
%$Cout% /C 1,32 /S "| | | | | "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "__" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " \ `, "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "| , ' "
%$Cout% /C 1,32 /S "|_{FS}'-|_\_{FS} "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "__ ,-;` {FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " \ `, "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "\ . , ' .| | | | | "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "_{FS}' ` _-`|" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " `\ `, "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "\ , | | | | |"
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "_{FS}' .{EQ}{DQ} {FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " \` `, "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "`\ \{FS}|,| ;"
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "{FS}' .{EQ}{DQ} |" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " \ `, "
%$Cout% /C 33 /S "`\' , | ; "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "{FS}' {EQ}{DQ} _{FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " `\ `, "
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S ".{EQ}{DQ}-. "
%$Cout% /C 1,33 /S "': "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "{FS}' {EQ}{DQ} .{FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " jgs _`\ ;"
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "_{ ' ; "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "{FS}' {EQ}{DQ} {FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " _\`-{FS}__"
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S ".~ `."
%$Cout% /C 1,35,7,48;2;130;100;0 /S "8"
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S ".'.^`~-. "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "{EQ}{DQ} _,{FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " __\ "
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "{ '-."
%$Cout% /C 1,35,7,48;2;150;130;0 /S "|"
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S ".'.--~'`}"
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " _{FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " \ .{EQ}{DQ}` "
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "}.-~^'"
%$Cout% /C 1,35,7,48;2;170;150;0 /S "@"
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "'-. '-..' "
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "__{FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " _{FS} .{DQ} "
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "{ -'.~('-._,.'"
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S "\_,{FS}" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " {FS} .{DQ} _{FS}'"
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "`--; ; `. ;" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " .{EQ}{DQ} _{FS}' "
%$Cout% /C random /B M /S "`-..__,-'" /N
%$Cout% /C random /B G /S " __{FS}'" /N
) > "%~dp0parrot.brd"
TYPE "%~dp0parrot.brd"
DEL "%~dp0parrot.brd"
:# Just a bit of animation
For /L %%i in (0 1 25)Do (
%$Cout% /Y 25 /X 19 /C random /B M /S ".{EQ}{DQ}-. "
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 17 /C random /B M /S "_{ ' ; "
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 15 /C random /B M /S ".~ `."
%$Cout% /R 1 /C random /B M /S ".'.^`~-. "
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 14 /C random /B M /S "{ '-."
%$Cout% /R 1 /C random /B M /S ".'.--~'`}"
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 15 /C random /B M /S "}.-~^'"
%$Cout% /R 1 /C random /B M /S "'-. '-..' "
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 14 /C random /B M /S "{ -'.~('-._,.'"
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 15 /C random /B M /S "`--; ; `. ;"
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 19 /C random /B M /S "`-..__,-'"
%$Cout% /T 15 /Y 8 /X 26 /C random /B C /S }
%$Cout% /D 2 /R 5 /I 2
%$Cout% /U 1 /R 1 /C 33 /S \
%$Cout% /Y 25 /X 19 /C random /B M /S ".{EQ}{DQ}-. "
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 17 /C random /B M /S "_{ ' ; "
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 15 /C random /B M /S ".~ `."
%$Cout% /R 1 /C random /B M /S ".'.^`~-. "
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 14 /C random /B M /S "{ '-."
%$Cout% /R 1 /C random /B M /S ".'.--~'`}"
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 15 /C random /B M /S "}.-~^'"
%$Cout% /R 1 /C random /B M /S "'-. '-..' "
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 14 /C random /B M /S "{ -'.~('-._,.'"
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 15 /C random /B M /S "`--; ; `. ;"
%$Cout% /D 1 /X 19 /C random /B M /S "`-..__,-'"
%$Cout% /T 15 /Y 8 /X 26 /C random /B B /S {EQ}
%$Cout% /D 2 /R 5 /Del 2
%$Cout% /U 1 /R 1 /C 33 /S "|"
If %%i EQU 25 %$Cout% /H + /Y 34 /X 1 /C 33 /S example 2 done /N
Goto :Eof