I am building a robot simulation which solves differential equations at different input speed values, the function uses [0 0 0]=[x y theta]
as initial conditions then updates the initial conditions every iteration.
When I use a for loop to input the number of iterations I want the equation to be solved for, it works fine! However, when I use a while loop to keep the function solving as I input the speed (through an edit text in my GUI) I get an error message
KPATH returns a vector of length 0, but the length of initial conditions vector is 3.
How can function return a zero length vector? Or is the while loop the issue in this case ?
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
global sld1
global sld2
check = get(handles.checkbox1,'Value');
initials = zeros(1,3); %start at origin
p = par();
tspan = [0 1];
while check == true
p.WL = sld1 ;p.WR = sld2;
sol= ode23(@Kpath, tspan, initials,[],p);
[t,s] = ode23(@Kpath, tspan, initials,[],p);
initials = deval(sol,2);
xlabel('x-position [m]');ylabel('y-position [m]');
title('robot path');
grid on
hold on
function p = par()
p.L = 0.12; %length [m]
p.r = 0.1; %radius of wheel [m]
function dt = Kpath(t,c,p)
x = c(1);y = c(2);th = c(3);
dx = (((p.r*p.WL)+(p.r*p.WR))/2) * cos(th);
dy = (((p.r*p.WL)+(p.r*p.WR))/2) * sin(th);
dth= ((p.r*p.WL)-(p.r*p.WR))/p.L;
dt = [dx;dy;dth]
is a boolean scalar?